17: House Bound

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"Which one is coming today again?" I asked for clarification.

"My crazy sister-in-law, Evanna. She's coming in two hours. My sister-by-dad, Marcella couldn't come right away because of her job." Josiah informed me.

"Oh, where are they coming from?" I questioned.

"A small town, neighboring to our kingdom." He said.

I had a couple hours to lay low and avoid Paige, while preparing myself for some more of Josiah's relatives. I left Josiah's office after saying goodbye and figured I would hang out in the town instead of the castle. So I went to my room and grabbed a coat and some shoes before sneaking back down the stairs and through the kitchen side door. Thankfully my coat had a hood on it so I quickly pulled it up and put on the matching boots before walking away from the castle before anyone but Finnegan knew I was gone.

Walking through the town that was wide awake and busy, I could tell no one recognized me as I was shoved or pushed out the way. So I stayed on the outskirts where I wasn't shoved as much. I walked not really knowing where I was going where I was going but not really caring either. I just wanted to waste time so I didn't have to argue with. I touched the top of my head and pulled my hood down a little lower so I would actually go unnoticed in the crowd, my head was down and I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. That soon came to bite me in the butt when I bumped into someone. I don't know about them but I went flying, the concrete slapped me in the back causing pain to spread across it. Even with all the pain, I managed to stand back up to access the person I bumped into.

"I'm very sorry about that, I should've been watching where I was going?" I asked.

"My day could have gone a lot better without this. I don't need to look like a stop when I'm going to see my ex-wife's house to pick up my kids." He replied.

"I am so sorry, and I know I should offer to help in anyway so I won't. I do hope the rest of your day goes better." I told.

"Oh yes you can! Help me pour salt into an open wound, pretend to be my girlfriend for a couple hours." He proposed.

"No thanks, I am in a happy relationship at the moment and I don't think he would like me pretending to be anything with you." I rejected.

"I'm sure he wouldn't  mind, it's just pretending, we're not going to be doing anything. That's unless you want to." He insisted.

I'm pretty sure I just rejected him nicely. How else does he want me to say it. While I was thinking to myself about rejecting him a hell of a lot ruder than I did, he stepped closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into his body. Every time I tried to escape his hands, they tightened to hold me into place.

"Pretending or not, I am not okay with this situations. Meaning take your hands off and walk away from me. Now." I demanded.

He didn't even budge, instead took one off me to grab the top of my hood, preparing to snatch it off my head. I grabbed the front of it, holding it tight, preventing him from just pulling it off. Obviously this guy had no respect for women, its really no wonder he had an ex-wife. I had no intention of using of using my identity or Josiah's title against him but the guy just wasn't giving me much of a choice. I made my choice to just surrender, so I let go of my hood and he took the opportunity to yank it off my head. As soon as he did that, another hood covered my head and his hands were thrown off of me. I don't think he had time to even glimpse at my face.

"How about you walk away from her. Now." Dunnuts suggested.

MK was assessing my waist, which was stinging from how hard the guy was gripping me when he was ripped away, while Dunnuts was arguing with the man to leave me alone. It took me a long time but the guy finally walked away. Dunnuts and MK didn't say anything as they walked away which made me assume I was supposed to follow them, so I did. I had no idea where they were taking me, all I knew is that it wasn't in the direction of the castle.

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