07: No Sweets!

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"I don't really like to use titles, I think they're overrated." Josiah answered.

"So you are the prince and I'm guessing from your reaction you had no intention of actually telling me. So you were just going to let me sit here and feel confused every time someone bowed or curtsied at yo-"

"No, no! Nothing of that at all, well maybe just for a little bit but I wanted us actually talking to each other before I went ahead and told you." He interrupted me

I looked at him before closing the laptop, Supernatural would have to wait until later I guess. I looked back at him and patted the area the was in front of the bags for him to sit. If I was going to have to share a house with him in two nights then I at least wanted to know who I was going to live with him. I waited patiently for him to clear away enough bags and then he sat down. I flinched just a tiny bit, he was a lot closer than I thought he would be. I calmed my nerves as he watched me with an apologetic look on his face.

"I can move if you need m-"

"I'm fine!" I interrupted him this time. "Alright, since I'm going to be staying with you, I at least want to know the real you. No titles or roles, just you."

"What do you want to know?" He asked me.

"Everything." I stated simply.

"Okay." He said then he began telling me literally everything that came to mind. Just random little facts that had no importance whatsoever: his favorite things, things he likes to do, what he dislikes. He kept it entertaining though, if I didn't know something he would explain it patiently until I got it and then asked about me. I told him about my childhood and some of my favorite things and then some of the newly cool discovered stuff. For instance, Supernatural which I discovered he was on season seven so we both had to play catch up. We talked for a couple hours until my blatter filled and my stomach growled. Anyway, after our little session I felt much more comfortable around him and I felt like I could trust him more than before. I still needed much more convincing but I was comfortable around him and that's a lot for the first real day.

"I should go get us some dinner for the both of us." He said getting out of his spot and stretching.

"Yeah, I'm going to take that shower now. Then movie?" I suggested.

"Sure, it's pretty early anyway. What would you like?" He asked me.

"Pineapple and onion pizza with a doctor pepper." I requested.

I could automatically tell that it didn't sound the least amount of appetizing to him but he nodded and handed me the bag with my clothes in it. He nodded to the bathroom and then left out the hospital room. Okay Symphony, all you have to do is grab the thing where all the cords where and put it on the IV pole so I could get up and go to the bathroom. I stood up from the bed and stretched a bit before grabbing the "control panel" and putting it on the Iv pole. I grabbed the pole and slowly walked to the bathroom with the bag of clothes. I turned on the shower and figured out how to get all the stuff from the pole in the shower. I shredded the hospital gown and stepped into the shower. I used the shower stuff that was inside the shower and quickly finished up. I was only there for twenty minutes and that includes washing my hair. I should die this a blonder color but I kind of already like my natural.

Once I was out the shower, I dried off and I looked through the bag Josiah gave me. I picked out some underwear, a sports bra that was just one size too small so I'll manage, some sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I struggled with the sweatshirt and all of the needle chords and excess stuff that was beginning to piss me off. I finally got it after messing around with it and one rage quit, I finally got it.Then I left the bathroom with the IV pole, I noticed Josiah was back and setting up his computer for the movie on my bed with a chair as close to the bed as possible with like a makeshift bed somewhat close to the chair. I guess Josiah will be sleeping there. I instantly noticed the pizza and doctor pepper on the side table by the bed on the other side. My stomach growled and I tried making it to the bed faster. Josiah turned at the sound of the stupid IV pole and smiled at me before turning back to the computer. Once I was at the bed, I got in and made myself comfortable closet to the IV poled that was ironically right by the pizza.

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