1. The incident

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"YUURIIIIII" Viktor called as he walked into the skating rink. He glanced around, but couldn't find Yuuri. That's odd, Viktor thought, normally Yuuri is early.

Figuring Yuuri would come sprinting in apologizing profusely; Viktor sat down on a bench and waited,

Yuuri woke up to pounding head. He poked his head from under the covers, but dived back under them when his head started to throb at the light level in the room.

He was just starting to fall back asleep when he remembered they he had practise with Viktor.

Yuuri looked at the clock. Oh no, I'm late, Yuuri thought as he hurtled out of bed. He ignored how dizzy he was and the pounding in his head as he got dressed, sprinted out of the room, and across the town.

When he reached the rink, he felt extremely dizzy but didn't notice in his panic to get inside.

"Oh, there you are Yuuri, where were-" was all Viktor got out before he was bombarded with "Sorry I overslept", "It won't happen again", and "sorry Viktor...".

Viktor waved the apologies off with a wave of the hand "you've not getting enough sleep lately anyway, it's​ fine."

Yuuri put on his skates and skates on to the ice. Viktor was already on the ice explaining what they were doing today.

"Today we are just working on your flips, spins, and loops" Viktor said as he demonstrated how to them.

Yuuri had no trouble until halfway through a triple loop he felt dizzy.

Yuuri over rotated, but instead of steadying himself with his hand, he fell. Yuuri hit the ice, hard. As his foot hit the ice, he felt his ankle twist and give out. With a cry, he fell on to the ice, banging his head as he did so.

Yuuri slid across the rink and hit the wall with a dull thud. He had left a thin trail of blood.

Viktor watched this in horrified silence. When he saw and heard Yuuri hit the wall a muted thud, he ran over r to the still body on the ice. Viktor yanked off his over shirt and pressed it to Yuuri's head to try to stop the bleeding.

This left Viktor in only tight t-shirt. When Viktor's hand brushes Yuuri's forehead, he frowned.

He's burning up Viktor thought as he wrapped his now ripped up shirt around Yuuri's head as a makeshift bandage.

With the now done, and with Yuuri no longer in danger of death by blood loss, Viktor moved to his ankle.

However, as Viktor started probing the ankle, Yuuri started waking up.

"Wha-what are you doing?" Yuuri stammered as he woke.

Instead of answering the question, Viktor instead asked

"Why didn't you tell me you are feeling bad?"

"Because I'm not allowed to have sick days, competition is on only a few months" Yuuri said in a pained voice as Viktor continued to poke his ankle.

"Your health is more important than a competition, Yuuri" Viktor said.

Without warning Viktor suddenly jerked Yuuri's ankle back into place while whispering "sorry".

Yuuri felt light headed. He could see the black at the edge of his vision creeping in. Yuuri tried to get up but as soon as he was on his feet, with the of Viktor, he swayed and fainted.

Yuuri felt himself be picked up and then the swaying motion of being carried. He tried to say he didn't want to be carried out, that it would make him look weak, but he couldn't talk, he couldn't even open his eyes.

That was the last thing he remembered before totally lost all conciuness.

Viktor carried Yuuri, bridal style, all the way back home. Thankfully Yuuri had passed out, so he didn't appear to be in pain.

When he walked in everyone was asking him questions a mile an hour.

"Is Yuuri alright?"

"That's a lot of blood..."


"Nothing, nothing, but Yuuri does need medical attention, where do you keep the bandages?" Viktor said as he carried to his room.

"In the bathroom" Minako answered.

Viktor tried to bandage Yuuri's head but he couldn't see the wound, there was so much blood.

Oh Viktor thought i should bath him, that would fix the problem.

Viktor undressed himself as Yuuri and pulled him into the bath.

After Yuuri was now clean and blood-free, he carried Yuuri to his own (Viktor's) bed.

After he had set Yuuri down he bandanged Yuuri's head and ankle. Viktor placed his hand on Yuuri's brow, and seeing how hot it was went and got a cool washcloth. He placed the cool washcloth an Yuuri's forehead and grinned when Yuuri sighed in pleasure at its chilliness.

Viktor noticed Yuuri was shivering and got 32 blankets, for that was all the blankets he could find. He dumped them all on Yuuri, but was confused when even under the mound Yuuri was still shivering.

So Viktor did what logic told him to do, and he lay down beside Yuuri and spooned him. Yuuri unconsciously scooted closer, snuggled into Viktor, and whimpered.

Viktor fell asleep in that position.

I hope you have enjoyed this chapper as well as my first fanfiction, if it's to short for I'm sorry.
I came up with this idea while I was watching Yuri on ice for the second time and I dicided to write this story. If u like this story please rate and live our thought on it, is oil really like continue writing this story.

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