7.Relaxing atmosphere

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Viktor got his shoes off and took my shoes off as well, i got really frustrated by that but i wouldn't be able to do it myself because my stitches would open again and it would made Victor worry again. ( i wanted to write that Victor would get a lot of grey hair because of the stress and then i realised that he already has grey hair, well another thought is that did he had that much stress in his life that he has a whole head of grey/silver hair, okay let me know in comments down bellow what you think...back to story) Victor wheeled me in to the kitchen, he made some amazing tea, i think it was some black tea mixed in with white tea and some dried raspberry's, this tea would always calmed me down and make me fall asleep. Viktor gave me the teapot and 2 mugs, we decided to transfer into our living room because it was more cosy there. Viktor helped me to get on to the couch and pour some tea for me and handed it to me. when i got my tea my hands were shaking for no reason, but most likely it was because of the anaesthetic, i tried to hide it from victor but he already saw and grabbed my hands on the top of the mug, leaning his forehead on mine and making really deep eye contact with me.

Lost motivation to write this chapter a long time ago, so i will continue to write it from new chapter and it will be titled 7.5 :))

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