5. Viktor's worries

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Doctor left our house and as soon as i could i rushed to Yuri's side, he was still sleeping. Viktor murmured to himself in Russian while kissing Yuri's arm "Pocemy ti mne nicego neskazal, glupish" (Why haven't you said anything, my idiot). I got under duvet to cuddle Yuri, as soon as I got in he started to cry in his sleep, his breath got heavier, temperature of Yuri's body rose up. I got up to wake Yuri up as much I didn't want to do this, I didn't know what to do.

Viktor woke Yuri up calm and quietly, Yuri was a bit shocked when he woke up because he had a nightmare that Victor got into the car accident and was seriously injured.

Yuri told this to Victor, as soon as he heard that he hugged Yuri as strong as he could trying no to make Yuri hurt since he had a massive cut around his stomach area. 

Yuri got a bit calmer, so I've offered him to drink a cup of mint tea to help him fall asleep. I've had to help Yuri walk because of his wound he was so powerless, while we were walking Yuri had slipped a bit and it made his wound hurt even more, so in my own thought I've decided to carry Yuri a bridal style. Yuri was so embarrassed when I've done this. I've placed Yuri on the sofa in our living room so he could stay laying down to not hurt himself. 

Victor was gone to the kitchen to make us some tea to calm down a bit. I really want to kiss him but I'm embarrassed to do it, but today I'm going to man up and do it. I've tried to sit up but my wound started to hurt even more, but i did it anyway and my wound started to bleed again, I didn't want to call Viktor so I decided to walk myself to the bathroom. As a wounded person this challenge was impossible for me today, so as soon as i stood up i managed to do a few steps before i fell down and knocked everything that was standing on the coffee table.   

I've heard a noise coming from the living so i rushed as soon as i passably could, and i saw Yuri lying down on the floor bleeding, conscious, i fell on my knees  how shocked i was and murmured to myself "Mamacka rodnaj" (OMG), when i got back to my mind I've picked up Yuri as quickly as could placed him on the sofa and asked him to press down a kitchen towel to his wound because it was the only think that i had on the hand. I've sprinted to the bathroom to get some painkiller to make Yuri's pain less painful, also I've got some bandages, antiseptic and my phone to call an emergency service.

Sorry my dear readers that i haven't been updating this fan-fiction for so long but, now I'm back on track with it.

I'm sorry if the style of my writing has changed, that's because i don't remember how exactly i was writing it. 

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