12. The hard times we need to power throught(part 2)

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I've turned the Viktor so he would be facing me and i look into his icy blue eyes that ere tearing up so much and the tears were rolling down his cheeks like a waterfall. Viktor loked into my eyes really shy he tried not to look into my eyes because usualy in those kind situations he wants to be left alone, not even with Makkachin. JUst him and his thoughts. 

'' Viktor what's wrong tell me evrything,no matter what i'll be with you''

''Yuri can you let go of my face please''

''Sorry Viktor'' - I've blushed a bit when Viktor said that, wiping his tedars away.

'' Yuri..... mmmmm....... , It just fells really overwhelming to be like this right now, in hospital....., with you......., in this condition......., It just never happened to me before, Im usually always fine from any falls on ice........., but not this time" - Viktor said this to me as his tears strted rolling down his cheek again. I couldn't think of anything better that giving Viktor a really strong hug, which would give him a shoulder to cry on. 

''It's okay to cry, you can cry, my opinion won't change about you my love'' - As I'm saying this Viktor is starting to hug me tighter and the sobs get louder and louder. 

''Everything is okay, I'm here with you, you are strong, you can do anything'' - As i say those words, the nurse has opened the door as she sees me standing and hugging Viktor, she realises that it's the wrong time and she makes her way out.

''I hope they are alright down there?'' - Said the nurse to herself

She sees the doctor walking down our way and she stops the doctor.

''I'm really sorry doctor but they need some time alone to them selfs'' - Said the nurse

''Why is that?" - Doctor asked 

''Viktor is.........crying and Yuri is trying to..........comfort him''

''Okay, we should give them some time'' - Doctor said understandingly

I was still hugging Viktor when he stopeed crying, he was really warm and relaxed in my arms.

''Viktor do you feel better?''


''Do you want the doctor to come and explain you how ypu getting on, also nurse has come in and give a painkiller injection and change the IV drip bag to Calcium, so it would help you recover quicker"

"nod, nod"

''Okay, I'll go and get them" - Before i left i gave Viktor a gentle kiss on the forehead.

Yuri left the room to get the doctor,and i thought to myhself if Yuri didn't give me the shoulder to cry on, I woud probabably, would still be crying to myself in quiet in the dark. 

''I'm back'' - Doctor and nurse are walking from behind Yuri.

''Good afternoon, Mr Nikifirov, how are you doing?''

''I'm doing good doctor, how about you?'' - Viktor said this with a smile 

''I'm good Mr Nikiforov'' - Doctor said with a smile

''Let's talk about your condition, your knee is going to be fine but, you won't be able to do any skating for as long as 4-5 mouths depends on your healing process, if you also I'd like to go home you can be dismised next week, but we would have to arrange regural visits, to your house to make sure the healinng process is on the right track''

''Yeah, that's absolutely, fine" - Viktor said with a huge smile on his face.

Time skip to the bed time

I was felling really happy and sleepy at the same time, just because it gave me such a big stress relief that everything was fine and i can skate again.

"Yuri are you going to sleep with me tonight in my bed?" - I said with an excitement

"No sorry Viktor tonight i'll be sleeping on this couch''

''But Yuriiii, i want you to sleep next to me!!!"

"Viktor you need to rest, but i can sit next to you and hold your hand while you are falling asleep" - I said that with a smile

"Okay" - I said that hapilly

I helped Viktor to adjust himself in the bed, making sure of his knee and putting some pillows underneath for extra support. He layed dow looking deep into my hazelnut brown eyes, "I love you and thank you for everything, you are a sunshine in my life" he said this with a watery eyes. "You don't have to thank me, I have to thank you for choosing as your lover" I've given a light kissto Viktor before sitting down and taking his hand into mine, he still had an IV drip attached, i want him to fall asleep before the nurse comes in and takes it out. I squeezed VIktor's hand and kept moving my thumb up and down on his hand to make him feel more comfy. He kept looking at me and 5 minutes  he closed his eyes, and finally fell asleep. I hope he will have a good night rest. 

15 minutes later

Nurse has come in to take the IV drip, that kept leaving a really big bruses on Viktor's delecate skin. "You may rest now Mr.Katsuki"- nurse said to me. "ohhh, Yeah, i need to go and take the shower and go to sleep" - I said tis while yawning. "I'll get going Mr. Akatsuki" - nurse said this while walking throught the door ''Yeah, thamk you very much''- I said with an apreiation.

I made my way to the shower, when i heard a loud groan from Viktor's bed, i went to look what was that about, he just uncovered himself from the duvet, and got a bit shiwerish, "What a man" - i said that with a light gigle. I took aq shower, went to check on Viktor, and then went to my bed and fell asleep imideately. 


I am going to try my best to update this story more regurally, but right now i have some health problems, so I'll try my best.

Huge Thank You for 3.4K reads on this story, love you all *kiss**kiss*

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