15. Hasetsu trip

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Yuri looked extremely bright red after saying those words, but he looked really cute, and i gabe him a kiss on his cheek. This kiss made Yuri look even more read, but this time he didn't hide his eyes like he usually does, when he feels uncomfortable.

The small kiss that Viktor gave, made me blush bright red, but it was so nice being kissed. None of the less i had something important to tell Viktor, that I've booked us a flight to Hasetsu, Japan, I've diced to do this because a lot of things have happen for this couple of mouths and me and Viktor need a holiday, also i thought that hot springs are really good for healing anyways. I have tell this to Viktor right now because our flight is tomorrow at 8pm from Sherimetivo airport to Hasetsu airport, my parents already know that we are coming over.

"Viktor i have something really important to tell you" - i said this by felling butterflies in my stomach.

"Yeah, is everything okay Yuri??" - i was shocked to hear that.

"Its nothing serious, its just that I've planned a little trip for us to go to Hasetsu, leaving tomorrow at 8pm" - i said this while playing with my thumbs

"You did what??, I'm surprisingly happy, that we are going somewhere, i had the same idea on my mind, but i completely forgot about going to your home country Japan, I'm really excited Yuri"

"Okay that's good because for some reason you wouldn't be happy because i did this ans kept it a secret"

"Ohhh, no Yuri i love that idea"

After that little talk we had our coffees and some carrot cake, after a little while we sat there talking for a while. Viktor put his head on my chest and i hugged him with my left arm and kept playing with his soft, silky, grey hair that still had a hospital smell. The hospital smell haunted us for all this time but what matters that we are together and enjoying our lives. We went back home at around 6pm, we took taxi back home again because it was still snowing heavily. Me and Viktor changed into our home clothes, i've ehelped Viktor to fo that because of his knee, later Viktor sat at our bed while i was getting out our suitcases for the trip, there were exstremely dusty, that how long we haven't been travelling anywhere apart from staying in Russia after me getting injured, we moved here.

"Viktor are u to get packing?"

"Yeah, of course I'm, really want to go to Hasetsu, to see your family espesially and the hot springs are the heaven"

I came over to Viktor, I've bend down and said whisperring into his ear, my room had a makeover since i was away, do you want to make especially new for both of us

"Uhhh, Yuri you are making me feel dirty minded" - i grabbed his hood and fell on the bed making Yuri be on top of me, after that i gave him a french kiss, that was unbelieviable long for Yuri, when he usually, breaks the kiss straight away, when i put my tongue in.

"Yuri that was such a good kiss"

"I've been learning from a profesionall"

"Alright, lets get to packing Yuri otherwise we will leave without any clothes"

"I'm not the one who started this, but you're right"

2 hours later

We've packed all of our clothes in your suitcases, it was almost bed time for us not to feell tired tomorroe morning before our flight.

"Viktor do you want to take bath togehter?"

"Ofcourse i want my little gentelman to bath me"

I went to start filling the bath, our bathtub was huge, it's the firts thing that we changed in this appartment we bought a double bathtub. Ive put some essential oil, lush bathbomb and a big of the star shaped magic wand, it was the time for bath. I walked into the bedroom and i see Viktor scrolling throught his phone looking for the places to eat in Hasetsu.

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