2. For Viktor (AKA Viktor can't cook)

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When Yuuri woke he was being spooned by something warm and moving. He tried to get away from whatever was spooning him but only ended up being held tighter.

Yuuri gasped in pain and his was twisted. It was then that he heard a concerned voice above him asking if he was okay. Yuuri was gripping his ankle in pain. He didn't notice he was carried to the bathroom, where the painkillers were, until after he had been sat down.

Viktor gripped Yuuri's face between hi hands and forced Yuuri to look him in the eyes. Yuuri's pained eyes met his own.

"Yuuri I can help but only if you cooperate. Yuuri nodded, anything to make the pain stop. Viktor handed him the medicine but he was shivering too much to take it without spilling it all. Viktor put the medicine in his own mouth and kissed Yuuri transfering the medicine to Yuuri's mouth.

Viktor then picked up Yuuri and started walking to the living room.

"Ummmm...Viktor, I can walk" Yuuri mumbled, blushing furiously.

"Then prove it" Viktor said as he put Yuuri on his feet. Yuuri made it a total of 5 steps before he almost face planted, the only thing stopping him from kissing the floor was Viktor.

"Ok fine, point made" Yuuri said, blushing, as Viktor picked him up again.

Viktor had put him down in the living room before heading to the bathroom. Viktor had told him to stay put, but it was his turn to cook breakfast for the family.

He considered staying put, but he didn't want to look weak. Yuuri hooped to the kitchen and started making the pork cutlet bowl. He was standing on a chair to reach for a bowl when Viktor walked in.

"What do you think you are doing?" Viktor said in the most malicious voice Yuuri had ever heard. Surprised, Yuuri jerked, which toppled the chair and made him drop the plates he had been holding.

Viktor grabbed Yuuri as he fell, before he could fall on the broken glass. Yuuri was now being held around the waist by Viktor.

This cannot be happening Yuuri thought as he melted in embarrassment.

"I told you to stay put" Viktor said being blunt.

"But it's my turn to make breakfast before everyone wakes up"

"Don't worry, I'll make it!" Viktor said, grinning widely like he thought this was the best idea.

"I don't think that you can cook-" Was all Yuuri said before Viktor carried him out of the room and dumped him unceremoniously on the couch. Viktor then walked into the kitchen.

It was about 10 minutes later that Yuuri saw the smoke and yelled "THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER IS ON THE WALL"

Viktor came running out bearing a very burnt pork cutlet bowl. He presented the food to Yuuri. Yuuri grimaced and ate it, all of it. He couldn't let down Viktor, after all.

Viktor poked his head thought the bathroom door, wondering why Yuuri as thorning up. "Yuuuuuriiiiii? Are you okay?" All he got was the sounds of being sick as a response.

"Don't worry I'm sure it's just a part of whatever sickness I have caught, along with the fever.

"Ok then, I'm going to town, I hope you feel better soon. I'll be back in 20 minutes" Viktor said, totally obvious to the real reason Yuuri was vomiting, which was his cooking.

After 20 minutes Viktor have found the Yuuri sleeping in the bathroom. Viktor picked Yuuri up and putted him on his bed and covered with duvet. Viktor kissed Yuuri and left the room.

I'm sorry if this chapter was to short, I might start update less because due to my mock exams, but anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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