6.Hospital trip

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I've been trying to do my best to bandage Yuri so he wouldn't loose to much blood, but still bandages were soaking wet in blood, and painkillers didn't really help Yuri. I've called an ambulance, they've got here pretty quick. Paramedics have put Yuri on the stretchers and put him an oxygen mask on him. They've asked me I'm a relative of his and i had to lie to go with Yuri, i said to them that I'm his fiance.

When i feel i could only realise that I'm bleeding a lot but i can't move of the pain, couple of second later I've been picked up by Viktor, but I'm not sure because my vision gone blurry without my glasses, he asked to hold a kitchen towel against my wound as hard as i could but i had no power in my hands. Viktor has poured antiseptic on my wound, i know this because i ended up having a tingling sensation that was almost burning my insides, after that Viktor tried to bandage me as neat as he could and the most painless way he could but i didn't care already because I've kind of got used to that pain. Couple of seconds later Viktor called an emergency service to get around your house. 5 minutes later they were here, they've pushed Viktor away from so they could do they job, but when they've done this i felt love deficient, i started to miss our bed cuddles, morning cuddles and shower cuddles. Seconds later I've put a massive oxygen mask on my face and put stretches . I've heard only a word fiance when i lost my conscious.

We've got an emergency service were they've been helping Yuri, no love of my life.They had to perform a quick surgery on Yuri to put stitches on his wound to make healing process better. 

2 hours later..

Doctor came out from the surgery room, i jumped out of my seat of how worried i was about Yuri's health. Doctor how is Yuri??- i asked him with my worried and trembling voice.

Doctor: He is absolutely fine, he just needs some rest and been taken care of. He wont be able to do figure skating for at least one mouth, his stitches will be removed in 2 weeks. You can go home when he wakes up because he's been murmuring under the sleeping draft all this time that he want's to see you and go home, but in case something happens here is my private phone number just call me and i'll get there as soon as possible.You can go into his room there is no restrictions since you are his fiance.

Thank you so much doctor, i don't know what else to say. Doctor smiled and went back to his office . I've sprinted to the room that Yuri was in, but before entering it, I've stooped and took a deep breath and then entered. Yuri was sleeping under the duvet, not moving you just could see how his chest was going up and down because he was breathing. I walked in quietly took a seat next to Yuri grabbed his arm from under the duvet and kissed it. I've been sitting quietly next Yuri and holding his arm. 

6 hours later...

I woke up looking up on the white sealing realising that I'm in the hospital and i felt something warm next to my arm, it was Viktor sleeping next to me while holding my arm. there was a duvet that was on Viktor, which almost slided down and I've tried to push it up a bit more up but nothing worked and by accident i woke Viktor up. He gave me a massive smile and his eyes were shinning so bright when he saw me. He kissed me, it was unexpected and shocking thing for me when he tried to stop, I've grabbed him and continued our kiss. Viktor gave me a compliment and said that i should do this more often , and then I've got frustrated, also on my mind I've remembered a word fiance before i was in hospital and it was on my mind for a really long time, but i think i was just my imagination.   

I felt something touching me, and it was Yuri trying to put a blanket over me again, when i saw him it gave such an release. I gave him a kiss on the lips to let him know that, i still love him and most unexpected think that Yuri I've done in all this time was to continue our kiss. I've told him it was amazing and he got frustrated. I've told him a good news that we can go home today, but i have to go and get some bits and bobs. I went out of his room and told him not to stand up because the stitches are fresh. I went to the hospital shop and bought wheelchair and a really comfortable back pillow for Yuri to lean on and couple of clothes items because the ones that he came in to hospital were covered in blood need to binned to not drug any bad memories up, also picked up Yuri's medication and then went back to Yuri's and i saw there a really strange guy that apparently was one of the medical stuff but he looked like on the people who would like to take Yuri away from me. I've asked him to live us alone because we were about to live. 

When Viktor walked away to get some bits and bobs that he said, a strange guy walked and started to chat with me about Viktor and said do i enjoy being with as his partner. Of course  i said he is love of my life and i will never change partner in my life. The strange guy said if you ever decide to change your mind i'm always free for. One more time i said no to him, a minute later Viktor walked back in and asked him to go away. Viktor didn't ask what were talking about he probably didn't want o pick this topic out now.

I've showed Yuri what I've got and his new clothes it was light blue shirt and just black jeans. I've helped Yuri to sit up and put the shirt on, but the jeans were a bit more difficult because his stitches were hurting and he couldn't bare this pain for a really long time, so while he was sitting down I've put a half of his jeans on and Yuri got up for 1 minute and so and i pulled his jeans up really quickly i didn't do the buttons up because they were his stitches that would hurt if you put pressure on them, there was one more think left that I've picked up from the our home it was his glasses i handed them over to Yuri and he put them on and he looked like more Yuri i know. Yuri got on to the wheel chair of course with my help I'm not letting this idiot do it himself because i don't want his stitches to open again.

Viktor showed me everything he got for me, he looked do happy and existed. He helped me to dress he tried his best not to hurt me but it still did hurt a bit but i didn't say anything because i didn't want him to worry. I've got into the wheel chair and we started to head home quietly and calmly.

15 minutes later...

We are finally home and Makkchin was waiting for a really long time, we said sorry to him headed to the kitchen to have some tea.

Thank you for reading this chapter and i hope you've enjoyed it as much as i did, i hope you will woke int he previous post and decide what is happening next to this story line.

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