20. The things that we enjoy but forgot about for some time

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A/N: SMUT Warning!! 

We were sitting comfortably in the park drinking our hot bevereges when I saw that it started to snow. 

"Viktor, should we start heading home?, it's begginign to snow"

"Yeah, we should start to" - I said tis felling a bit drowsy

"Makkachin it's time to go home" - she runned towards me so happily but, her paws were so dirty and knowning her jumpy nature, i had to be careful not to get my clothes dirty

"hahaha, she got her self all dirty somewhere hahaha" - I could hold my laught because it was so funny because Makka was trying to get Yuri's attention but Yuri was avoinding her at all costs because she was really dirty. 

"Viktor it's not funny" - He kept laughing really hard and then i laughed as well but i still eneded up having my jeans getting dirty with thy paw prints everywhere.

"We'll need to bath Makkachin today for sure otherwise she won't allowed in the house

"For sure, my mum will get angry as well, here this for you" - I said this while i was putting the leash back onto Makka and them walking toward Viktor and handing him a pretty heavy bag filled with 15 slices of each cake that they had in the coffee stand that i bought earlier 

"Yuri you baught me cakes, there are a lot of them, Thank you" - i smilled with an exsitment on my face thta i'll get to eat these everyday 

"You don't have to thank me for something like this" - I said this pushing the wheelchair ready to leave the park 

At home:

When we got to the entranvce of the house my mum met as there, I comanded Makka to sit there and wait for us, she is a good girl so she always listens to me or Viktor. U helped Viktor to get to the room and get changed into different clothes and it the grand time for the Makka to get bathed, she was still sitting at the entrance and getting all the pets from the customers even thought she was dirty. I walked to the entrance where i saw Makka being peted by Minako. 

"Makka are you ready for your bath, she wagged her tail and it meant that soemthing is up on her mind and she sprinted towards me knoking Monako of her legs, I had to pick her up and say that she is bad girl and that she can't do this 

"Minako are you alright?"

"Yeah, dont worry she is not that strong"

"Sorry about I'll go and bath her now" - i carried her all the way to our room open the door and I only let her go in the nathtub that she wouldn't make any more mess

"Yuri, you are all covered in mud, It's fine i'll take a shower later, do you want to take a shower tonight as well?"

"Yeah, that will good and refreshing, also can you not close the door when  you bath her i want to talk to you while you do this"

"Sure, i had the same idea" - I adjusted the water temperature that is not to hot and not to cold for the Makka, but my Jeans were annoying me so i had to take them off and throw them in the wash, so the only thing that is left on me me is T-shirt and a pair of boxers 

"look at those handsome long legs of your" - Viktor commented and i felt a slight blush on my cheeks 

"Viktor can we not, i need to get on with the task"

"Ofcourse, ofcourse you can and I'll just watch my handsome fiance do it" - I felt even more blush on my cheeks but i wasnt facing Viktor so it's good that he couldnt see it, when i finished washing Makka she runned out of the bathroom all wet and jumped on the bed licking Viktor and water dripping of her fur was getting everything wet. 

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