8.The day I've told this to my parents

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It was a first snow that me and Yuri ever saw together, but i had a really bad headache so the Yuri's shoulder was really comfortable for me. Viktor should we go home now, it market is starting to shut. No, Yuri can we stay a bit more like this i have a light headache. I said okay, and wrapped my arm around Viktor because it gave a slight worry. 

20 Minutes later 

Me and Viktor got back home, and I've managed to make couple of steps to the sofa, Viktor brought 2 mugs of tea, and literally through himself on the sofa, Viktor also put the pillow under his head, and this gave a bit of concern because he said he had headache before is it not over yet. I've been speaking to Viktor should I tell my parents that I'm getting married. Yes, of course yuri let's do it now, your parent are probably closing down the restaurant anyway right now. We've called then over using a Skype,they I've answered straight away, I was really surprised because they I've done this, hey mum and dad and Viktor always greets them in professional way even thought they I've asked him not to do that hello Mr Toshiya and Mrs Hiroko.

Ohhh, Yuri,  Viktor it's been a long time seen we seen each other how is it been going for you two? It's been all good, Mum, Dad I have something really important to tell you, my mum's and dad's face got really serious. I took a deep breath and I didn't even say a word when Viktor said me and Yuri, we are getting married and skilled in his usually way. My mum got a but if the shock, but then the tears of happiness started to roll over my mum's cheeks and dad said to me, I'm so proud of you my dear son. The tears sterted to fell off my cheeks as well, Viktor looked shocked,  but he gave me a hug, and said should we say goodbye to your parents and I'll get cooking put dinner. We said goodbye to my parents and they invited us around when we have time because Viktor taking care of me and my parents don't know anything about it.

As soon as we hung up Viktor falls on my lap, I was shocked when I touched his forehead it was burning, I tried my best to get up and I managed I've put Viktor legs up on the sofa, and got some pillows and blankets  to cover him, made some ginger honey tea for him to drink, got a bucket of cold water with towel and some fever reducing medicine. I've woke Viktor up, and said darling you need to take this medicine and can you also please drink this tea for me, lovely Yuri helped him sit up. Yuri has never seen me this sick before, I feel bad for him because he hasn't really recovered yet either.

Next morning
I woke up, as soon as I woke up I felt someone holding my arm, I opened my eyes wide open, and I saw Yuri bending over the sofa, his glasses were still on him but they were to side because he was laying down on his side. I stroked his hair and I tried taking his glasses off, bit I woke him up, he looked really confused but he looked really happy. As I felt someone stroking my hair I started to wake up, as soon as I saw it was Viktor It made me really happy, that Viktor is felling much better.


I know this fanfiction isn't really going anywhere right now, but I'm really waiting for YOI adolescence, since this movie comes out this fanfiction is going to be updated more regullary.

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