11. The hard times, we need to power through

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I got my phone out of my pocket and dialled Yakow, but only then I remembered that it was a night time and he might be asleep, but I wasn't expecting him to pick the phone up so quickly.

''Hello Yakow... Viktor is doing fine he just woke up, I don't know how long will take him to come back on ice because doctor just told me that he is not in danger anymore, but I'm going to stay a night with him, today and ask doctor tomorrow morning.''

''Okay don't worry too much Yuri as well, he is a strong man, he will be okay, things like that have never happened before''

''Yeah, Good night Yakow''

''Good night Yuri''

Yuri walked out the room to go to the toilet and then to my head came to realization that, I'm in a hospital and I made Yuri worry so much. I turn my head to the right I look out at the window it's already night time and the sky is really beautiful; this silence makes me feel alone. This silence got broken down really quickly by Yuri opening the door, I smiled at him seeing his cloudy eyes that were really tired, but they were so beautiful hazelnut colour that belonged only to me and only me.

''Are you okay Viktor??''

''Yeah, I'm fine just my knee hurts a bit''

''Do you want me to call for nurse that she'll give you more painkillers or adjusted your leg position??''

''No, it's okay Yuri, I just want you to lie down next to me and cuddle me tight'' This made me blush a bit

''I'm sorry Viktor, I really want to lie down next to you, but I'm scared it's going to be really uncomfortable for you and it might hurt you as well''

''No Yuri, it's okay'' I told him, so he won't be scared, even if it hurts, I want him to be next to me.

I proceeded to go toward the Viktor's bed, I took my shoes off, grabbed a blanket. Viktor tried to sit up by himself, but he had weakness in his arm due to all of those medications that were injected into his body, I caught his arms.

''Spasibo Yuri (Thank you, Yuri)'' I gave him a smile to make him more comfortable because I never seen him like this before.

''Don't worry, everything is fine'' he gave me a huge smile, that you could even see Viktor's dimples, that were my weak point, it made me flush in a frustration and redness of my own cheeks.

His sat up moved to the side of the bed, so that I could lie with him together, he holds his breath when I moved Viktor's leg, it because it hurt him, but he did not show it to me. He laid down on his back because otherwise, his leg would hurt, I laid down next to him covering myself with the other blanket I was given, placing my arm underneath his neck, and puting my head on the top of his head.

''I love you Vitya'' I told him while stroking his hair

''I lo...ve... ya'' He told while falling asleep.

When Yuri scoped my head into his arms, It made me feel so comfortable, sleepy and loved at the same time, that I even fall asleep immediately.

The next morning

I woke up first before Viktor did, usually it's the other way around, but today was an exception because due to all what happened last night. I looked on the clock on the wall near the door, It was 10am, suddenly the door opened and the nurse walks in with 2 breakfast, and then she realizes that Viktor is still asleep.

''I'll leave it here for you guys'' She whispered to not wake up Viktor, who was dead asleep.

''Thank you very much'' I whispered in the response.

When the nurse was walking out, she closed the door very quietly and I was really thankful to that because I wanted Viktor to get as much sleep as he wanted at this day. I cupped his head again and lightly stroking his hair while he was sleeping.

5 hours later

I woke up feeling something warm cupping me, I looked up and I saw raven black hair that were all over Yuri's face, I tried to get rid of the hair on his face, but I accidentally woke him up. He opened his eyes and you could see his hazelnut coloured eyes, that were shining on the evening light.

I felt something touch me that was warm but, was a bity shaky, I've realized that it might be Viktor awake. I open my eyes and see his beautiful ocean blue eyes looking at me. I gave a light kiss to Viktor on his forehead, when I saw him awake.

''How are you felling??'' I've asked him.

''I'm good because you are with me here at this moment, I wouldn't be able to go through this without you'' When I told this to Yuri, I saw his cheeks to turn pinkish, but he always blushed when, I'd tell him something like that.

''I'll be always with you, I'll never leave you alone in my life'' I responded to Viktor's words and I saw his eyes shine even brighter and a massive smile on his face after I told him that.

I've got out of the bed and put my shoes, after that I adjusted the bed for Viktor to sit comfortably there, when I was adjusting him to help and sit up he gasped in pain a bit, because his leg was still hurting him so bad I felt so miserable when I made him experience the pain again.

''I'll go and get some food for us to eat, do you have anything that you want??'' I've asked Viktor because I didn't want him to eat what he didn't like today. Today and all of my time will be based around Viktor to be happy and don't fell depressed at any time.

''Can you please get me some, perozki please'' When he told me perozki, I've remembered my first time when Yorio gave me them to try but they were not classic perozki, they were katsudon perozki.

I walked out and saw a doctor that was taking care of Viktor when he got into the hospital.

''Hello, Doctor'' I said to him while walking down the corridor.

''Hello, Yuri, I was just on the way to the Viktor's room, I was told earlier that Viktor was still sleeping when one of the nurses came in''

''Yeah, sorry doctor''

''No, worries it's absolutely fine''

''Doctor is it possible, that you I'll come to the Viktor's room in 15 minutes, while I get food''

''Yeah, I'll be there in 15 minutes''

It was nice meeting the doctor down the corridor, anyways I was on my way to the café. I walked into the café and I saw a heaven of the perozki, when I saw all of them, my mind got lost, so I bought all kind of perozki, 10 of each. There were perozki such as cabbage perozki, meat perozki and lots more that i don't remember all of them, but i ended up with the massive bag of perozki. I walk in to the hospital room and see Viktor sitting there with his hair covering one of his eyes, he's facing towards the window and i saw a tear roll down his eye. This made me drop everything and run toward Viktor, I turned his face around, that way it will be facing me.


I hope that youve enjoyed this part, im sorry for not updating for so long, but i will stat to update regyrrally, i just got abit bored of this story and now im giving it another chance. 😊👌😘. Love you guys!!!      

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