19.Something is happening

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Me and Viktor sat in a hug for a while, till Viktor would calm down. When Viktor felt relieaved we just sat in silenece and then a little while later i heard a really quite snoring noise comming from Viktor. I've put his head on the pillow and covered him with the blanket. I walked out of the room to outside and left the door open for the fresh air to get into the room, fresh air always helped me clear my thoughts and this time those thought were really serious because they were all about Viktor. His mum, his dad, his whole family he is really strong imotiaonally, but right emotions and all of those stays at home doing something to Viktor. I need to think of things to do and help Viktor open up a little bit more to me during these hard times. I need to go to sleep it's pretty late, but i'll leave the door open a little bit for the fresh air to get into the room. 

"Good night my Vitya" - I've kissed him on the top of his head and embreassed him into the hug and fell asleep myself. 

In the morning

I woke first Viktor was still asleep, his eyes and cheeks looked really puffy form the yesterdays crying, but he looked really peaceful in his dream at the moment that i didn't even to get out of the bed. I just rolled to the side to get my galsses and my phone from the side table and i've looked for the thing to do for now. I've scrolled thorugh the social media and i saw Phitit's post where he was holding his hamsters in his hannds, i found it really cute. I felt a really cold breeze comming down the room from the open door, i stood to close it, but before that it was really cold in the room so i took out a second duvet from the wardrobe to cover Viktor. I've shut the door and headed out myself to take a shower. 

I felt that Yuri left the bed, but before I was about to get up myself it was so cold in our room. Yuri walked out of the shower.

"Did i woke you up?"

"No, don't worry i felt that you left the bed and that was all" - i started get up little by little into the sitting posotion and i felt goosebumos go down my spine and arms.

"Sorry i left the door open for the night and it got rwally chilly out here, you have to put something warm on, here take this cardigan"

"Is it warmer, do you want to take shower now or in the evening?"

"In the evening i like it more"

"Okay, then i'll go and cook breakfast for bith of us and I'll come here later with the food"

"Yuri, can i come with you I don't want to stay here alone with Makkachin"

"If you really want to then, of course you can, but the most important is how is your knee felling is okay for you walk on the crutches or we'll use the wheelchair" - I felt really concern about Viktors health 

"Yuri I understand your concern but evrything is okay, I'll walk there on the crutches but if it starts to hurt I'll tell you imideately, so you don't have worry this much" - i gave him a smile to make him fell better.

"Okay, then we'll go to the family kitchen instead of the resot kitchen"

"Okay, it's fine but why?"

"My mum said that here were paparatsi this morning and I don't want them taking any unnecessery interviews from you" - I made an angry face looking at Viktor 

"Hahahaha, you are so funny Yuri but I don't want talk to them etheir so it's all good, Can you help stand up Yuri" - I helped viktor to stand up and pass him his crutches and told the directions how to get to the family kitchen and Viktor said the he would start to make his way there and i said that i'll tidy up the bed and catch up with him. 

When i started t walk i felt a bit easier than usuall but that's probably I haven't been barely walking recently but the more steps i made the more stops i made by leaning agains the wall. I think that i overestemated my self a little bit, but the family kistchen must be close now i should be able to make there and take a seat. 

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