3. Yuuri get's hurt again

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That is a time jump to several month's later, at the national championship.

Yuuri was gliding across the ice, trying his hardest to impress the judges, and impress Viktor. He couldn't let Viktor down, if he failed then Victor would be criticized as a coach, and that would ruin his reputation.

Yuri sprinted across the ice. He did the quadruple loop, then a triple loop. He landed them perfectly. But was it good enough?

Yuri sped up and spun around the rink, this dance was about the love and betrayal. He spun around the rink doing flips and spins.

The dance was meant to how beautiful love was and how deep betrayal cut. The dance started out delicate and elegant, then quickly turned into fast and furious, then to become heartbroken and sad.

Yuri was focusing so hard on not letting the Victor down that he almost missed the wall he was getting dangerously close to the wall. As he tried to stop himself, his skates kicked up ice. The audience "OOOOOOhhhhhh" ed and "AAAAAAAhhhhhhh" ex at the ice thinking that it was part off the show.

Yuri hit the wall and bounced off, falling onto his side and hearing something crack in the process. Yuri slid back to the inside of the ring, now very still, almost corpse-like.

The audience, were thinking that this was his final pose, gave a standing ovation, going wild at the very realistic pain as Yuri hit a wall. The crowd through that Yuri hitting the wall. The crowd thought that Yuri hitting the wall was staged and that it symbolised how betrayal was like hitting a wall, and how it killed you inside.

Viktor, who had organised the piece knew that this wasn't part of it, and he started in horror at Yuri's  still body.

Thankfully to Victor's relief, Yuri got up slowly and skated to the edge of the ring. Yuri seemed to have a slight look of pain on his face, but who wouldn't after hitting a wall. Victor hugged Yuri, too happy to notice Yuri's purposefully hidden, almost inaudible, gasped of pain.

5 minutes later.......

And Yuri's score is... 118.9! Yuri is in 1st place and wins the nationals!

Many pictures later...

Victor noticed that the look of pain stayed on Yuri's face through the whole evening. Victor pulled Yuri away from the party and into the silent hall.

Yuri was gripping his side in pain, looking like he might even be sick.

"Yuri are you Okey?" Victor said as his hands ghosted Yuri's body, searching for injuries.

"Um, yes I'm fine" Yuri said, obviously lying, for Yuri had always been a bad liar.

Yuri seemed to sway on the spot and Victor did what was only logical. He offered to carry Yuri.

Yuri immediately turned beet red and looked shocked. Yuri tried to decline but Victor picked Yuri up, but Victor picked him up bridal style, which bent his side.

Hearing Yuri's gasp, Victor put him back down. Victor prodded yuri, taking note of when Yuri gasped in pain. When Victor got to his side, Yuri almost passed out.

Victor lifted up Yuri's shirt, and seeing Yuri's very purple and blue side said.

"Why didn't you tell me?" With a very wounded expression.

"It's only a bruise" Yuri mumbled.

"And then he ligthly touched the wound with his arm " that's only a scratch" Victor replied.

"I knew I shouldn't have shown you this..."

Sorry for not updating  for a long time it's just because my laziness also I just been in Korea for all of this time.

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