10. Unexpected event

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It's been a while since me and Viktor have trained together. I woke up all felling pumped for today's training session. Since me and him were living in Russia for while, we decided to move there because I wanted to see how it is to live in a different country.

Time skip to the training session:

Me and Viktor got on to the ice rink, today Viktor was going to teach me how to do a quadruple loots. Viktor got into the position for the jump and started doing it as i, realise that his jump is to low. As soon as i say this to myself, i see Viktor hit the ice with his right knee, and then he falls on ice forming a ball by hugging his legs into him, he screamed out "MAMA RODNAJA!!" (Meaning: OMG). I rushed to him to see what is wrong with my love, as soon as i get down on my knees i can see tears forming on Viktor's eyes, of how painful it is to him.
"Viktor can u show me please?, don't worry i won't hurt you"
Viktor unravels from his ball like position into more laying straight on the ice, he tried to straighten his right leg as much as he could, but i could see tears rolling off his cheek.
"Don't push yourself Viktor, everything is going to be okay" I gave him a small smile to make him feel more comfortable and he gave me a small and very painful smile in response, but for me it meant that he trusts me as much as I trust him. I take my hoodie off, to put underneath his hurt leg to make it more comfortable for him and less painful. I'll leave you here for a minute because i need to get help. He gave me a small smile in response and then he lost his consciousness, this wasn't good, so i had to run out to reception area, where I saw Yakow.
"Yakow, call an ambulance Viktor is hurt!"
Yakow looked a bit shocked by those news, but he proceeded quickly to calling an ambulance and i hashed back to ice rink, where I left Viktor laying. I've picked his head up and placed it on my knees, couple of seconds Yakow runs in with the ambulance behind him, leading to the unconscious body of Viktor, they pushed me away from the Viktors body that was luying there, and it really wanted me to push back in, because he was my fiance, but Yakow held me back. "Yuri, they know, what they are doing" this made me get my mind back, and i gave Yakow a smile as a response. Yakow also looked really stressed because he never saw Viktor, injured as well as i did.

Couple minutes later one of the stuff comes up to us and says, who is the closest relative, as much as Yakow wanted to go, he couldn't, but i made a promise to Yakow when Viktor's health will be no longer in danger I'll call him.
I followed the ambulance stuff to the car, and got into there at the same time as they wheeled in Viktor on the ambulance bed. I saw a giant leg brace around Viktor's leg. His arm was hanging outside of bed I took his arm and gave it a light squeeze, but his arm was so cold, which made me worry even more, but i got a light and very weak squeeze back from Viktor, which made me a put a tiny smile on my face. I looked to see if Viktor had his eyes open and he did, he didn't look the best because he had a breathing mask around him and he had drip connected to his other arm, but i was happy that he gave me that smile, Viktor gave me a really painful smile back, which was hard to watch. After the smile Viktor lost his consciousness again. Staff proceeded to inject more stuff into the drip.

Personally i don't really remember anything apart from the horrifying pain that was in my knee, but i remember a light and warm squeeze on my hand, which made me want to wake up, i opened my eyes and i see worried face of Yuri that is holding my arm, couple seconds later he gives me a worrying smile, but I tried my best to squeeze out a smile out of my self, and after that everything goes blank again.

We got the hospital and ambulance stuff proceeded to wheel out Viktor on the bed, he was still unconscious, they removed the drip out of his arm, after that they gave him 2 more injections that i got told that they were painkillers. I runned after them, but i was not allowed to get into treatment room, they proceeded to take of the brace and putting on the cast on the Viktor's leg.

15 minutes later 

The doctor that was taking care of Viktor walked out of the treatment room, i jumped out of my seat out of interest how was Viktor doing. 

''Everything is going to be fine, with your fiance, he's in stable condition, we will take him to the private hospital room, because i think you'll want some privacy since both of you are famous and don't want any necessary attention from people''

When the doctor has finished speaking i saw Viktor being wheeled out of the emergency room, he looked calm and peaceful. This made me fell better and less worried now. 

''Thank you, so much doctor for taking care of my fiance'' I said happily to him.

''I'm sorry but i have to go now'' I said to him in a hurry.

''No worries, you can go now'' he smiled when he saw, me run of 

I runned after the nurses that were, getting Viktor settled in the room, they put a drip of glucose to Viktor's arm, to make sure he has enough nutrients in his body. 

''Can you please give me your arm'' Nurse said to me.

''Don't worry, I'm fine'' i responded to nurse.

''But you look really tired this will make you feel better'' Nurse responded to my argument. 

''Okay, you can put in'' I didn't want to bother her with my stress at the moment but she saw my stress through me, and offered me some help.

''Thank you so much''

''No worries'' she responded to me while hanging the glucose bag on the drip stand. 

When the nurses walked out, I got Viktor's arm, that was connected to the hearth monitor his hand was cold, but my hands were really warm. His arm were twice as big as my hands, which was really cute and I always enjoy holding his hand because it makes me feel confident. 

4 hour time skip

I woke up felling something really warm on my arm, when I turned to the side I saw Yuri holding my arm, and resting his head on the edge of the, while sitting in the chair, he didn't even bother to take his glasses of, he always forgets to do that if he fells really tired. I tried to take his glasses as quietly and gentle as possible to not wake Yuri up, because I made him worry a lot. I took his glasses of successfully, and I've put them on the other side of the bed Yuri's blanket was half way up his back, when I tried to pull the blanket up, I woke Yuri up. He made a really loud groan, but as soon as he opened his eyes he looked happy. I gave him a happy smile back, but them i felt my leg hurt and i grasped in pain. 

I felt something touch me on the back, and I decided to wake up and look what it is, I put my head up and see Viktor bending over and holding my blanket, I was so happy to see him awake. He gave me a happy smile back, but then his expression changed to the painful face, that made me fell, worried so i pressed a nurse button on the side of his bed. The nurse was here in the seconds, she had injections with the painkiller in it. When the painkiller was injected Viktor looked more relived. I thanked the nurse, and she said ''No worries, just call me over if you need any help. I looked outside the closed window curtains, it was already dark. I've opened the window to get some fresh air in the room because it smelled so much as medicine. I've tolled Viktor that I need to go to the toilet, on my way there I remembered that I promised Yakow that I'll call him when Viktor's health will be okay. 


Thank you for your support and 2 thousand reads that's amazing, I hope you enjoy this story as much as I do. What do you think about this plot twist, I'll try to update soon, because the other chapter is the half way through finishing, It will be linked to this chapter because originally i had different idea and then i got his idea in my head and i had to post this before the other chapter. 

Yuri on ice-Pain!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt