9. Valentines day

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I got up and started to take out the ingredients that i might need to cook breakfast with, but Viktor walked over to the kitchen and hugged me around my waist, resting his head on my head and he said, Yuri should we go the brunch to have some breakfast and i agreed because i wasn't felling like cooking either, we didn't have a lot of ingredients either at out house, we only had 4 eggs, 1 mushroom and couple of tomatoes laying around in the fridge.

15 minutes later

I and Viktor walked into the brunch, we took a seat next to the window, the view so beautiful untouched snow covering the outside sitting was so calming and relaxing.

"Yuri I'll leave you here for a minute"

"Okay, Viktor be careful"

Viktor walked off and the waitress walked to our table giving me the menu and asking me for drinks, I've ordered for me and Viktor 2 large cappuccinos because both of us had a rough night.

I left Yuri to pick up the flower bouquet, that I've ordered into this cafe. All i wanted it was him with me i didn't want anything more from him because he is the only one and that precious to me. Probably Yuri has forgotten that it was February 14th today but it was okay, as long as he was okay i would be happy.

I come back with the 100 roses bouquet to Yuri , but before i give it to him , i realised how tired was Yuri when he's back launching back at the seat and his head tilted to the side of the chair. I tap him on his shoulder, and he turns around in the surprise, because he was so relaxed.

I felt somebody touching my shoulder, i wasn't expecting it so i got scared a bit, when i turn around all see is a giant rose bouquet that Viktor was holding, his icy blue eyes was shining so bright of happiness.

"Viktor was is this all abbbout??"

I was so shocked that my lips started to tremble, also i was really frustrated because everyone was looking at and Viktor, personally i never liked too much attention from other people. I could feel how hot my face was turning red.


''Thank you Viktor, but i didn't prepare any present for you''

''It's okay, all i want is you to be with me forever''

I was shocked by the Viktor's words, I've accepted the flower bouquet from Viktor and everyone was giving us a cute look, they were chatting about us how cute both of us look together, but more attention was dragged to Viktor because he had icy blue eyes, and shining silver hair, that were so soft to touch. 

'' Yuri, if you don't feel comfortable here, we can the place, but firstly we will drop off the bouquet at home and then eat somewhere else''

''No, it's okay Viktor, we've already ordered, I'll mange''

''If you fell even more uncomfortable, I'll come and sit next to you, and hold your hand tight, so you won't feel that frustrated.'' 

I gave a Viktor a smile back as my answer, minutes later waitress came over with our breakfast. I've ordered avocado and poached egg sandwich with some rocket salad, and Viktor got the same but, he also got some side salad out of bell peppers. I was still felling frustrated because everyone kept staring at our couple and talking how good we look together. 

I saw that Yuri is still frustrated, i know this because he puts his head a bit downs, and looks side to side with his eyes,  so I've decided to sit next to him to make him feel better. Yuri can you move one seat up, I'll sit next to you. I sat next to him and gave him a small kiss on his cheek, and got his hand to make him feel like at home, when no pays attention apart from me. 

Viktor came to sit next to me, and he did one of the mostly challenging things that i can't do outside our apartment is to manage a kiss, personally I don't know why, but it made me fell uncomfortable every time I'll do it myself or Viktor will do it to me. He did it but this time it made me feel better and confident. 

''Thank you, Viktor, I LOVE YOU!!''

I think that Yuri is gaining some confidence in the public, i gave him my smile as an answer to what he said.

2 hours later 

We finished our breakfast at the brunch, then we decided to come back home and take Makkachin out for a walk, a long really long walk because the weather was really nice outside, the sun outside made Viktor's eyes look even more shiny and blue at the same time. 

Yuri looked so happy when we went out probably because we didn't have a chance to spend that much time outside because he was injured, and I wasn't felling really well last night. His raven black hair were shining as bright as the sun today, his smile was wider than it usually is, that's the person I'll marry soon. 

''Yuri should we play with Makkachin?''

''Yeah, of course''

4 hours later 

We got home from a really long walk, and that is the first time I've ever seen Viktor look so tired, I told him that I'll cook something for dinner because we had our lunch as a hot-dog at the park while walking Makkachin. I've decided to make some pasta with cheese that's because those were the staple foods in our house. I've put my slippers on, quickly changed into my comfortable trainer and a t-shirt from Viktor's drawer, that was too long for me, but it had the smell of Viktor that I've really enjoyed. I moved quickly to the kitchen to make the food before Viktor comes back from the shower. I've put the pot on the stove, 3 minutes later water was already boiling so I've put pasta in, and set timer on my phone for 12 minutes, while the pasta was cooking, I've grated the cheese to be ready before pasta need to be strained. 

When me an Yuri came back from the walk with Makkachin, I felt so tired when we walked into our house, i almost felt powerless, Yuri has realised that so he send me to the bathroom, and give me a small kiss, before running off to the bedroom to get changed, and get to cooking. When i was almost done with my shower i could smell, the pasta and the cheese together that made feel even more hungry, then i was before, because we didn't have the proper lunch together, only if you can call a hot-dog a proper lunch. 

Pasta was cooked so I've strained it, and started to plate it by putting grated mozzarella cheese on the top of to make it melt. I saw a shadow coming from the bathroom, Viktor walked over to me and giving me a hug around my waist, and giving me a small kiss on the cheek. Viktor get dressed please or you might get ill.

''Okay, captain''

I said this to Yuri, by joking around, he gave me a small smile as his answer. I've got changed and rushed to the kitchen because i couldn't bare the hunger, when i got there everything was ready to be eaten. 

Viktor take a seat, everything is ready. Viktor sat down at started to munch up on the pasta, he's eyes looked satisfied. He even murmured to himself in Russian. ''VKUSNO!!''(Meaning: tasty). When we finished our meal I've quickly washed dishes, and hoped into the shower because i gave a Viktor to choose a movie.

Yuri gave me an important job to choose the movie, i laid down on the bed, and slowly i could feel how my eyes started close, i couldn't go against this felling this time, i thought to myself, I'm sorry Yuri there will be no movie tonight.

When I've got out of the shower, i walked to the bedroom and all i could see was the Viktor's hand hugging of the bed edge with TV remote in it, i took the TV remote of him, and placed on the side table near him, covered him with the duvet, hoped in the bed on the other side, scooping Viktor's head into my hug, also i gave him a small kiss on his head, and whispered into his ear.

'' Ja tebja lublju''

(Meaning; I love you) 


I hope you will enjoy this chapter as much as I did, i know it might be to late for Valentines Day update, but i hope you'll still love it . I love all of my readers i appreciate your patients with my late really late updates, but from next week i'll be updating regularly.

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