4. Yuri get's hurt again. Part 2

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Yuri was frantically mopping up the blood with a shirt, while Victor was in the bathroom getting supplies.

I may be able to hide it if Victor doesn't get too handsy and I can hide the blood

Victor walked back in to see Yuri throwing a bloody shirt behind him. Victor suddenly went from looking like a worried boyfriend (they aren't yet, but in the soon!), to a Russian dictator with no mercy.

Yuri looked horrified and tried to lie.

"Its nothing Victor, just a scratch!" Yuri said quickly.

"Then why were you hiding it from me?" Victor said with a frown.

"Ummmm..." Yuri stammered looking like he wasn't sure if he should say or not.

Victor strode towards him and trapped him against the wall. Yuri blushed, uncomfortable with how close Victor was.

Its ridiculous how much Yuri blushes at close contact, considering he's seen me naked Victor thought.

Victor gently took Yuri's head in his hands and said

"Do you not trust me?"

Yuri immediately looked mildly panicked at the idea and said

"N-no, just you won't let me compete and go to events if you think I'm injured, and that will ruin your public image" Yuri said as he looked away from Victor's eyes.

Victor looked at him in surprise and said "Yuri I told you already, I'm not worried about my career, I only want to help you win"

Victor forced Yuri's eyes to meet his own and leaned in to kiss him. Yuri's eyes widened and he looked comically surprised.

Victor brushed his lips over Yuri, trying to be gentle, but Yuri put his hands in his hair and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss.

Victor was the one who ended the kiss, noticing that when he had put his hands on Yuri's hips that they had come off slick with blood.

Victor stared at his hand and asked in a worried voice

"Yuri...how did you hide this for....what, an hour?"

Yuri said that he had used tissue from the men's bathroom and wore a baggy black shirt.

Victor was mad that he hadn't noticed the extent of Yuri's injury and mumbled to himself in Russian.

Yuri stood staring at the ground while Victor was pacing and mumbling in Russian.

OR at least, that's what he had been doing before he felt himself falling. The only thing keeping Yuri upright before was knowing that if Victor knew, he would hide Yuri away, and that might ruin his reputation.

Victor saw Yuri sway and begin to fall, and caught him around the waist. With Yuri unconscious at least I can do my job now Victor thought sadly why does he have to hide this from me?

Victor removed Yuri's shirt and noticed how stiff with blood the black shirt was now that he could feel it. Victor gasped when he saw Yuri's chest, back, and side.

Yuri's entire side was covered and black, purple, and blue bruises. They spread onto his chest and back too before fading to pink, and Yuri had a long cut on his side where he had hit the edge of the wall. Victor wasn't a doctor but knew enough of what to do to halfway check injuries.

Victor touched Yuri's side and Yuri hissed in pain and curled up in a ball. Victor wrestled Yuri into lay out flat again, and tried to figure out how quickly a doctor was needed.

Victor ran his hands along Yuri's body, listening for any gasps of pain and checking for any more injuries. Victor was confused when his hand brushed Yuri's chest how he seemed to curl in on himself and made a whimpering sound.

Yuri opened his eyes but only curled tighter into a ball when Victor's hand brushed his chest.

"Yuri, how much does your chest hurt? On a scale of 1-10." Victor said.

Yuri tried to lie and say "6", but Victor poked him and he ended up squeaking "9!"

Victor looked worried at this and he carefully picked up a now half naked Yuri and bandaged him. Victor told Yuri that he would be right back, that he was going to call a doctor.

Victor called the doctor. Thankfully, the doctor was fast and Yuri was unconscious.

The doctor told Victor that Yuri had 3 broken ribs, a vey bruised side, and that the gash looked pretty bad.

The doctor gave Victor some medicine for the fever that Yuri was probably going to have and some medicine for the pain too.

Authors note:

I'm really sorry but I was really lazy to continue the story, also I was in Korea as an exchange student. I'm sorry again but I hope that you will enjoy the story and leave comment.

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