14. Relaxed evening

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The next morning i woke up, felling sore, this was because I've been slepping while hugg8ing my knees. I stood up to make some breakfast for me and Viktor, when i stood up, i felt a little stubble, just because my legs where hurting from my sleep positions. I turn around and i see Viktor sleeping, I fixed his blanket, so it would be covering his whole body becuase, it's quite cold in your house, because it's still winter, and nobody turned the ehating on in this house while we were gone. So i went to get onother blanket for Viktor and I've changed into warmer clothes. I covered Viktor with another blanket and went to the kitchen. When i walked into kitchen, there was thi icy felling in the air, which made me tremble how cold it was. I open the fridge and i see nothing, literally nothing is in there apart from bottle of milk which has, probably already experied by now. I took my phone and looked for some breakfats places that do dilivery to our area, i found one that had a great wariety in their menu. I've ordered the food and they said it will take about 20 minutes, it was the perfect timing so that i could wake up Viktor help him with his morning routine and anything else. I walked over to sleeping Viktor, with a warm hoodie that he would probably want to wear and a pair of warm socks. I bend down to give Viktor a morning kiss.

''Wake up baby, it's already morning''- i said this whispering into Viktors ear.

I heard gentle voice whisper into my ear saying to wake up, I open my eyes and i see Yuri looking at me with a big smile on his face.

"Morning Yuri" - i said this with a small smile on my face

I helped Viktor to sit up and put his knee brace on for him, while i was putting his brace on i herad a litlle a gasp of breath, probably because it still hurts. 

"Can you put your hoodie on it's quite chilly right now, but I've already put the heating on"

"Yeah, of course" - i said this while piutting on the hoodie on 

"Breakfast is on it's way ive ordered some homemade pelmeni (russian dumplings)" - i said this while covering Viktor in duvet to keep him warm.

I sat next to Viktor giving him a cuddle from a side and asking him what do u wanna do today?

''Can we go outside today for a bit?''

''Yeah, if u want to, we sure can, is there any specific place want to go?''

''Can we go to any local caffe, for some coffe or cake or just have some lunch out'' 

''Yeah, I'm up for it'' 

I heard the door bell and i made my way to pick up the food from the dilivery guy, i thanked him, rushed into the kitchen grabed some spoons, sat myself next to the viktor handing him the spoon and his portion, it was so cold that you could see the steam comming of our breaths. Viktor sat there looking at his pelmeni for a long time before he started to eat them, thia made me worry a little bit. 

''Viktor is everything okay?''

''Yeah, i just feel a bit tired, but at the same time i want to cry for some odd reason''

''I took away viktors pelmini placing them on the table, and after that giving him a really tight hug''

''If you feel like crying you better cry right now, don't hold it inside your self'' 

I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks and Yuris tight hug that helped me feel comforted, also i kept squezing harder and hader Yuris bidy while i was crying, i felt bad because he had the sore body from todays night sleeping in sitting position. When i stoped crying Yuri cupped my face in his hands and gave a small kiss on my forehead, after that he put my head on right sholder and rubbing my back, i hugged Yuri back again and playing with his  hair.  

''Should we finish our food before it gets stone cold'' - I've asked Viktor         

I've noded back as my answer, while drinking up some boulion 

 3 hours later 

Me and Yuri got dressed to go out, we decided to go to Starbuck for some coffee and cake near our house. I got  the crutches and walked to the door to put my shoes on with the realazation that Yuri needs to help me do that. Yuri has put on a pair of regular winter boots on me because it was snowing heavily. Then Yuri put his shoes on we aree ready to go out. When we went out of the house, there was this cold and howling wind, which made me feel unstabel on my crutches and woble a bit, but i felt warm hands touch sides of my hands to stop me from falling down. 

I saw Viktor woble a bit, so i cought him and make sure he is standing up straight, i looked into his eyes and this time i've decided to be brave and i gave Viktor a kiss on his lips which were soft like a soft clouds, which look like a soft pink cotton candy. The warmth inside filled me wiht a joy. 

"Should we get a taxi maybe?" - I ased blushed Viktor.

"Y...ea..h" - I said this felling really embarasses but at the same time loved and cared for. 

We got the taxi and went to the nearest starbucks near us, while we were driving i saw Viktor putting his hands in the pokets, but i took his hands out and puth them between my hands, to make his hands warmer. Viktor looked really thankful for that, and he felt more comfortable with me holding his hands. When we got to the place i payed for the taxi and i helped Viktor to get out of the car. We walked over to the Starbucks i opened the door for Viktor, and helped him to take th seat, there was this comfy sofa seating area, thats were we decided to seat. 

"What do you want Viktor?"- i asked him while putting his coat on the sofa.

"Venti caramel macchiato and carrot cake" - i said that with a smile 

"Okay, ill be back soon" - in my ead i didnt want Viktor to be left alone because a lot of people might recognise us in public and put rhumors on the web and this will make a big diffreence to Viktor's recovery. 

I've ordered the coffee and the cakes and got back to our sittign area, i sat next to Viktor carefully and huged him and placed his head onto my chest. 

For some reason i felt that Yuri has changed a lot because he kept giving me hugs in public, kisses he still blushed when he gave them to me but he was much more confident which made me fell happy and insterested, how this happened. 

"Yuri, you've recently changed a lot" - i asked this with an interest 

"What do you mean?" - i was shicked to hear that 

"Uhmm.... you give me kisses, hugs and all of that extra attention in public, when you used to be really scared of doing that"

I sat staright up, took Viktor's hands so that they would be holding mine "Juste recently I've maned up a a lot because you are usually the one who gives all the extra support in this realtionship, but recently I've seen a lot of downfalls in your mood, which made me really upset and i wanted to support really bad, so I've dicided not to be scared of any signs of affection in the public"

When Yuri was saying those words, i felt tears rolling down my eyes those tears weren't tears of sadness, those tears were tears of happiness and joy. 

"Vik.....to....r  please don't cry did i just hurt your fellings really bad, i didn't mean to do that, just forget everything what i said" - i hugged Viktor really tight, placing his head on to my sholder and putting my hand on his head and back to calm him down. 

"Yu.....ri everything is fine, I'm just happy that i have you in my life, you've changed me so much as a person" - i said this while wipping my tears down with my jumper's sleeve. 

"Owww, Viktor everything is okay, I'll be with you no matter what" - I've told him that because he is the only person who matter the most in my life, i also felt the burning sensation on my cheeks while i was saying that to him. 


I hope that you've enjoyed ths chapter as much as I did writting this, there a lot more and exitng things, if you read ch 8, you know what is comming up. Thank you for reading love you all.

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