17. We are finally home

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I've lost my balance but i felt 2 warm hands touch my sides and looked deeply into my eyes with a smile.

"You are doing great, but try with cruthes sweetie" - Yuri said with the calming voice.

After that nurse handed me the crutches it was moderetely okay for me to walk on the crutches.

"Mr. NIkiforov you doing great,we are readdy to get you dismeised. We just need to get you to sign some paperwork and you are ready to go" - nurse handed the paoerwork to me I've signed it nd now i'm ready to go home.

"You are free to go home now" - Yuri took my hand nd held it and he had a huge smile on his face.

Doctor walked out and Yuri looked so happy for me, it almost looked like he was jumping on the spot.

"Ready to go home then?"

"Yeah.......mmmmmm.........Yuri, when we get home can we go to sleep straight away, I'm felling a little bit drowsy"

"Sure we can, why did you even ask something like this?"

"But can you sleep next to me tonight?" - Viktor blushed a little bit by saying this, wehn usually I'm the one who is the first one to blush

"Ofcourse i will, you don't have ta even ask me" - I leaned over VIktor and give him a kiss on his lips, then he smiled at me and gave a french kiss back.

"I see you are full on ready, tonight Viktor"

"Ohh, yess Yuri, im so excited just to spend time with you and Mackachin, don't get me wrong but, i just want you tonight"

2 hours later

We got out of hospital and where almost home, it was unusuallycold winter in Hasetsu this year. I helped Vikotr to get out of the car when my mum and dad where standing in the dorway gretting us, my dad walked over to the car and got mostly Viktor's stuff from the car with a hue smile on his face.

"Yuri and Viktor, I'm so happy for both of u being here and finally enjoying the time off"

"Thank you dad, Is the room ready?"

"Yeah, if you ever need anything just call us over and we'll come to support you guys"

"Thank you, again dad"

I held Viktor from his left side and he had a crutch in his right hand and slowly, litlle by litlle we walked over to the room, I helped Viktor to sit down on the bed, took his coat off and then I've relised that Viktor's lips looked chaped from the cold wind, i took chapstick from my pocket nd put some on to his lip, he was surprised.

"Thank you Yuri" - i smiled back at him

"Let's get changed and get bed ready, because both of are really tired, mostly it's you"

"Okay, Yuri" - when the sudenlly we heard a knock on the door" - door open slowly when me and Yuri both were shirtless and the person who open the door was Minako, the last person who Ive actually wanted to see right now.

"Minako what are you doing right here?"

"Ohhhh, you guys where up to something, your mum let me in, both of you are in the great form"

"Thank you Minako, but we were about to go to sleep, Viktor is really tired from all of those hospital trips we made in the short amount time"

"I understand it tottly, I'll get going, ohhhh guys do want to come to an ice rink tommorow, we have new litlle kids starting tommorow, they'll be really excited to see you both"

"We will think about it tonight and I'll let you know tonight or tommorrow mirning"

"See you later guys, have a good rest tonight"

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