J'zargo x Reader

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He is so arrogant but he is the only 1 of 2 characters I will have as a follower. So here is some love for this big (annoying) kitten.

Fan art: https://au.pinterest.com/pin/710513278682800340/

Cuddle it out

Pushing J'zargo through the doors of Candlehearth Hall, I finally caught my breath.

"Seriously [Y/N]!" He snapped. "Did [Y/N] have to get into a fight with the fight with the guards?"

"They weren't going to let you in the damn city!" I yelled back. "So yes, seriously!"

It was true. We had endured a whole two days of walking from Solitude to Windhelm and the first thing we were greeted with was a hefty fine of 5000 coins so that J'zargo could enter the city. I was infuriated by the way the guards treated him so I launched myself at one of them and cut his throat. J'zargo just stood in shock for the entire time as I slashed my way through the rest of the guards. After dealing with the ones at the door I turned around and sent the guard, who decided that sneaking up on my J'zargo was a good idea, flying with a powerful Expert level destruction spell. Yes it was childish to get worked up about this, especially when most of Skyrim's Nords hated Khajiit anyway, but I had had it up to my ears with people making horrible comments as we passed or not letting us go to places because of his race. J'zargo couldn't have cared less, especially because he was used to it, but I cared enough for the both of us.

"I would like to rent a room." I told the Inn keeper.

"Sure thing. It's yours for a day. I'll show you to your room. It's right this way." She replied and told me and motioned for me to follow.

"J'zargo will get a separate one." He crossed his arms over his chest and scowled.

"Really? You are going to waste money on a separate room?" I said in disbelief.

"Yes, you did something stupid again and almost got J'zargo killed. J'zargo wants some time to himself." He replied.

"Fine, do whatever you want buddy." Hostility spoke for me and I walked off to follow the woman to my room.

She opened the door and showed me to my room.

"Let me know if there's anything else if you need." She said. "Enjoy your stay, and don't break nothin'!" She closed the door behind her.

I tugged off my clothes and soaked a cloth in water to rid myself of the dirt and blood from the the day's earlier events. It was colder in this city than any other in Skyrim; my toes were freezing and it felt like my fingers were falling off as I wiped my face. The room wasn't much, but it was enough to get me through the day and out of the guards sight for a while. I pulled on my underwear and got under the covers.

"By the Eight!" I yelped as my skin touched the freezing cold sheets.

There was a knock at the door.

"Who?" I stated bluntly.

"J'zargo doesn't have a room, there are none left." He said, a string of annoyance laced into his voice as he practically spat the words at the door of my room.

"Alright you can share mine. Guess you don't get any time to yourself." I smirked with amusement as he walked inside.

He huffed and I propped myself on my elbows and watched as he placed his stuff on the floor next to my own. He was wearing the Archmage robes I had lent him to train his magic in, and I won't lie he looked good. Really good. He was surprisingly fit for a mage, he knew how to swing a sword when his magica ran dry. Although I was defiantly faster and stronger than the guy, he tried his best to keep up with me when I was sent to kill a dragon or clean out a bandit camp.

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