Act II: Scene Ten

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— Scene 10 —
P O V :  H A R R Y

TW: Homophobia, homophobic slurs.

Louis stirred in his sleep as Niall's usual commotion from outside got louder. I watched him flutter his eyes open, staring back at me only a few inches away.

"Hey Hazza," he said smiling. I was beginning to get used to the pet names Louis gave me.

"Hi," I replied, smiling back, "My throat still hurts."

He pouted. "We can stay in again today," he told me, "And I could buy you some more soup."

I nodded, "Thank you."

"Fags rot in hell, yes right in hell. Sinful gays, sinning everyday," Niall sang to the tune of Silent Night.

"Huh, haven't heard this one yet," Louis said laughing.

I giggled, "How comforting."

"God hates gay faggots, and god hates you. Holy jesus wants to murder you. Sleeeeeep in sinful deeeeeeath!"

"Wait," I started, "Is it just me, or does it sound like more than one person?"

"Huh?" I said, trying to listen. The singing got louder and louder, until I realised that it was, in fact, a crowd of people.

Louis sighed, sitting up in the bed, "You see, I thought Niall was annoying, but this is about ten times worse."

The people outside quickly switched from singing to shouting, and I could feel my head pulsating as they got even louder. Louis walked towards the window, rubbing his eyes, which widened immediately.

"Harry, come here. You need to see this," He told me.

I furrowed my eyebrows and walked over to him.

About three dozen people  stood outside our flat, holding up signs with sayings such as "HOMOSEXUALS ROT IN HELL" and "FAGS DOOM NATIONS".

"Holy shit," I said, feeling like my head was about to explode. Louis furrowed his eyebrows.

"I'm going outside to see what's going on," he announced. "Stay here."

"No, I'm coming with you," I said firmly.

"Harry, you need to stay here," he told me, going down the stairs.

I frowned, following him, "Why can't I go?"

"Just trust me," he started, "Besides, you can't just walk outside half-naked again."

"Can't you just give me your hoodie?" I asked him. He sighed.

"Fine," he said, pulling it over his head and handing it to me.

After putting it on, we stepped out the door to face the crowd. When everyone saw us, they screamed even louder. "It's them!" yelled a middle-aged woman.

Niall stepped to the front of the crowd, looking at us with squinted eyes. "I knew it all along, you sinners!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Louis asked. Because he said the "h-word", everyone gasped.

"You know exactly why we're here," Niall said, "I know about your little gay love affair."

Louis looked me in the eyes, confused.

"Um," I started, "I think you've got the wrong idea."

Louis nodded, "Y-yeah. No homo here."

"Yep, no homo at all. The least of the homo, in fact," I assured them.

no homo // larry stylinson ⚣Where stories live. Discover now