Shout out

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Thanks to all my readers. You all motivate me to continue writing. Sometimes updates will be slow but see wid mi nuh, unnu know seh mi a try mi best.. Also its soon 1 thousand reads for us guys, this story couldn't have reached this far if it weren't for you all so thanks a lot lovies. Please share this story with your friends, I'll like that a lot :).

Also before I update a new chapter I would like to get your feedback on something.

Unnu like di story so far or me just a waste me time? Mi jus want hear unnu view an dont fraid fi tell me di raw patwah, if di story nuh mek it tel mi as it is,nuh bother beat round no bush mi can handle di truth, anyway mi think nuff a unnu like it still so me ga continue it .

Well me nah go stay like di others who have wah heap a authors note dat nuff a unnu nah read by di way so dis a mi first an last , big unnu self unnu dun know how di ting set , a Jamaica mi born an grow suh unnu know di vibes nuff, til di next chapter put up gwan tell mi which parish in a Jamaica yuh come from nu?..

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