Heaven and hell

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What happens when an angel falls to Earth? Do they really grant happiness and protect others?
No... they fall and their wings no longer work, sure they still have their jewels but they don't matter without your wings.
How does an angel fall from heaven to begin with? It's definitely not because they were sent to protect someone. Normally it's because they fall in love. Love amongst angels is quite common, but what gets you thrown down to Earth is falling in love with a mortal. Thought technically once an angels wing stop working they no are no longer immortal.

A group of friends, warriors to be precise, the top in their ranks. They had a future as guardian angels, but it was all thrown away when one day while looking down they spotted a group of guys. That moment changed everything, they were thrown down.
They were what people called "Fallen Angels."

I am Lucy Heartfilia, i was born into a strong family, created from stars and light, darkness and fire ,the Heartfilia family was the strongest family beyond angels and demons.
I was in the top spot in training, you would think angels would take things peacefully, and we do. Most of us that is, there are different types of angels.
World Angels: controlled rain, wind, earth, practically what mortals called Mother Nature.
Guiding Angels: their job is to help mortals with finding their way to their heaven.
Guardian Angels: these are divided into two groups.
Guardians: Just as you would think, these ate the angels that are assigned a mortal or mortals that they need to protect. Some of these guardians are either Lonely guardians(guard a single person), or Matching Guardians(they are pretty much what mortals call "cupid") there are also Group Guardians (family or really close friends are assigned to them.)
Warriors: are the ones that guard the palace.
The palace is in the middle of the afterlife. When mortals die they go to the after life there the guiding angels and guiding demons help them figure out their place. Hell where (unlike what every mortal says,) everything is pretty much like in heaven, except for the demons, their wings are different and the have some cool horns.
Right behind the palace is the training academy for Guardian Angels and Demons. Demons have a very similar way of working. Hell is pretty cool, most of the cooler people go there, gay people, people who don't believe in god or who don't believe in anything, they're all there. Of course back in the day hell would take the guys that lived good lives and we would take the cool people but because of what mortals believed we switched things around.
As a hybrid of both demon and angel i was among the strongest.
Erza, the swordsman angel, her swordsmanship was the best amongst angels and demons.
Levy, the script angel, she used scripture and writing of spells to help her. It was a very rare kind of magic, so far only a demon and an angel had had these kind of powers.
Juvia, water angel, she used water to fight off opponents, rain, waves, hurricanes. Her parents both world angels, she was born with a lot of power, however, she was born with the rare ability of handling just one element. Water.
Rogue, a demon we met while training, demons unlike angels get their magic from their horns, the demon horns are all different, they all have a certain pattern on them, his was white scales. But unfortunately, if a demon "falls" their horns won't work, they can not be visible by humans. Rogues powers came from the shadows, he was a rare world demon.
The same rules about loving mortals was applied. Demons and angels were not able to procreate, so many demon and angel relationships didn't involve them having kids because it was not possible. The Heartfilia family was unique for being the only hybrid family.
And finally there's me, Lucy Heartfilia, able to use all sorts of kinesis, to teleport and fight like an angel and a demon. Angel wings and demon horns, swords and manifestation, i could do so many things. I was like a mix of all kinds of demons and angels.
Like explained demons get their powers from their horns, angels on the other hand have their wings our wings have all our magic and allows our jewels to work.
A tattoo would be somewhere on our body, irreplaceable, so valuable it was like a jewel, that'll how they got the name. Erza's jewel is the constellation of the Grand Chariot (known as the big dipper by mortals) in blue that slowly fades to purple then red, it's on her left arm.
Levy has a silver dragon on left shoulder blade.
Juvia has a snowflake that looks like it's made of ice on the outer side of her left thigh.
I have a red dragon on my right hand.
Rogue has a white dragon on his left shoulder.
Our jewels are our keys to our powers and magic.

If a demon falls their horns can not be seen by humans, only by angels, demons and others that have fallen. Wings are a different issue for both angels and demons, wings, unlike horns can be seen by humans. We can make them as small as possible and hide them under jackets or hoodies.

We were all walking through the streets of heaven, we looked down towards the lake of mortality, we saw a group of friends, something about them got our attention. We followed them around, days went by. The days turned into weeks. Slowly we fell in love with the mortals, the moment we realized it was the moment heaven and hell's gates opened to throw us out, they closed as we fell. I extended my wings to fly i tried to go back up but it didn't work. I could only go down. My body hit the water with a loud splash, i got out and tried to use my magic... it didn't work, we were no longer able to use our magic. We looked around and just like that we realized we were no longer in heaven, we had fallen.
We had become fallen angels.

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