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I wake up in Natsu's room, he sits on his bean bag chair next to me sleeping.

I sit up and memories of purgatory flood my mind. Erza's scream as I had to drag her away form Simon. Simon... Kagura... I don't know if they're okay. How did I get here?

"Luce!" Natsu hugs me and kisses me when he sees me awake. "Mira and Lisanna brought you here, you were bleeding so much, I was so worried we all were, and Erza, she looked in so much pain, Jellal was so worried he was crying, so was I, we were so worried," He cries out as he hold me in his arms.

"I'm fine, don't worry, has Erza woken up? How's Kagura?" I ask.

Natsu's face becomes serious, "Mira told us what happened, she says she heard you call out for her and Lis, when she finally found you you were passed out bleeding out and Erza was mumbling Simon's name while crying in her sleep."

I stay quiet and look down, "He asked you to get her out if there didn't he?" Rogue says standing at the door.
I slowly nod and he sighs, "I'm glad you went with them, Erza would have returned if you hadn't grabbed her and gotten her out," he explains.
"She hasn't woken up, Kagura is sad but she understands the situation. Jellal is in her room waiting for her to wake up, he's really worried about her," Rogue sighs.

"She didn't have that many injuries so she should be fine, I'll go help her as soon as i can," i respond.
Natsu kisses my cheek and tells me to calm down.

Erza wakes up with a blood curdling scream, "Let me go!" She yells as she sobs in pain.
I get up from my bed and rush towards Erza's room.
"Erza, calm down, I'm right here baby, please calm down, breathe," Jellal whispers in her ear as he hugs her shaking body.
"I let him die... I couldn't do anything!" She sobs.

"Erza, i love you, i know he was very important to you and I'm sorry that you had to lose him like that," He says in her ear.
"I know, i love you too Jellal, i just feel so guilty," she muttered out.

"He loved you, he gave his life up protecting you, he wanted you to live on with the love of your life," Kagura says as she enters the room.

"Erza, it's not your fault," i whisper.
She nods and hugs Jellal as if she's scared to let go.
"Don't ever leave me Jellal, i don't think i could live without you," she kisses him.

After a couple more hours of Erza and Kagura talking, mostly Kagura reassuring Erza she did nothing wrong, Erza finally ate something.
Apparently we had been asleep for 3 days, sooo, food honestly sounds great right now.

After eating and napping on the couch cuddled into Natsu I decided I had to do something productive. I of course went to the library to buy some books for myself and Levy. Maybe grab some ... romance... books.... yeah...

I arrive home with 20 books, 5 for Levy, 10 for me, and 2 ... "romance" books for Erza... She likes reading those kinds of books. I decided to keep 3 "romance" books for my self.

I go up leave the girls their books, I head to my room and set the book bag down on my bed.

I go downstairs to see Jellal and Erza leaving, Sting and Rogue are getting their stuff as well, seems like they're going out somewhere. I look around and realize Gray and Juvia are gone too.

What the actual fuck... did everyone just decide to go out today.

The house is empty and I hear Natsu yell that he's going to go shower. I go into my room and throw the bag with books on the floor, a book with a plain black cover falls out. I grab it and begin to read.
🛑🛑🛑(Warning!!! The following paragraphs have mature content. It involves sex and stuff) 🛑🛑🛑 skip if you want.

He grabs my hand and ties them up behind my back. His hands travel over my naked body as he whispers, "I love you so much," in my ear. He tightens the blindfold that he put over my eyes to torture me. I feel his hands move towards my entrance. I'm breathless as he begins to thrust his finger in and out of my body. My face feels hot and i feel myself squirm as he reaches for my breasts with his other hand. He kisses me roughly as he inserts another finger into my entrance. I let out a loud moan as he kisses my neck and make his way to my boobs. He takes his fingers out of me and begins to massage my breasts. "Alex! Please I'm sorry, i won't talk back to you, just put it in!" I yell as he bites my nipple making me moan in pleasure.

"Luce!" Natsu yells as he stands at the door of my room.
"What are you reading? I've been calling your name and you won't pay attention. How good is that book? Sheesh" he sighs as he makes his way towards me, he reaches out for my book but i quickly pull it away.
I toss the book on the ground and look at Natsu with a smile.
He kisses me and jumps over me as he tries to reach for the book.
He gets the book and opens to where my bookmark is.
"He begins to lick my... Lucy! I didn't know you were so kinky," he says with a smirk on his face.
My face heats up and his smirk grows wider.
"There's no one here, we have the house to ourselves, which means i can make you scream my name as loud as i want," he says as he leans in to kiss my neck.
I let out a small quiet moan, Natsu hears it and begins to suck on my neck.
"Natsu," i scold him, he climbs on top of me and kisses me. His rough kiss makes me melt, i can't push him off, even if i wanted to push him off i don't think i could.
I feel his hand underneath my shirt making it's way to my breasts. He massages them while kissing me passionately.
I moan into the kiss and Natsu pulls away. He slips off my shorts and a lay there in bed with a flushed face and a small smile on my lips.

🛑🛑🛑🛑(you're safe to continue reading now) 🛑🛑🛑🛑
He's about to pull his pants off when we hear yelling from downstairs.
"We're back! We brought food!" Gray and Juvia are here now.

"Damnit," Natsu curses under his breath.
"Let's go eat," he sighs and goes into the bathroom, i hear the shower turn on and i sit there breathing heavily.
I almost had sex with Natsu...
My heart beats fast and i feel my face heating up.
Stupid Gray and Juvia, ruining my fun.
I put my shorts on and go downstairs.

"Where's the pyro?" Gray asks.

"I think he's showering, I don't know." He nods at my answer and hands me a plate with Chinese food.

Natsu comes downstairs a few seconds later and kisses my forehead, he grabs some food and sits next to me.
"Luce, we should go out tomorrow," he suggests.
I smile and nod.
"Sure," i say.

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