Theme park

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I am awakened by Juvia shaking me. She stands there in her underwear, i guess she couldn't sleep with the shirt covering her wings either. "Gajeel made us breakfast, let's get changed so we can go eat." I nod and sit up. I grab the clothes i was wearing yesterday and head down stairs with Juvia right behind me.

"Good morning Luce, Juvia." Natsu greets us as we go sit down. "Morning," i respond and sit down next to Rogue.
"Rogue you slept in the same room as the girls, right?" Gray asks. Rogue nods, "i stayed with Levy and Erza." Gajeel and Jellal visibly stiffen a bit.
"Why don't you sleep with me tonight? I have enough room in my bed for both of us." Sting says in a flirtatious tone and winks at Rogue causing him to blush a bright red and sit there wide eyed. The girls giggle a bit, I smirk and look at Rogue, "That sounds like a good idea, we wouldn't want to hang onto Rogue when there's other stuff he could be doing." Both Sting and Rogue sit there silently with their faces flushed.
"L-Lucy!" Sting stutters out, the guys begin to laugh.
"What did we tell you about flirting with Rogue?!" Gajeel asks.
Sting looks down, "that i shouldn't make him feel uncomfortable..." he says.
"I wouldn't mind..." Rogue speaks up. Oh... my little Rogue is growing up.
Sting looks up at him and smiles, Rogue smiles back.
I just hope he doesn't see Rogue's wings... fuck, he'll probably see his wings.
I look at Rogue with worry.

"Stop flirting and eat your breakfast." Gray says as he hits Sting on the head.

After eating breakfast the boys decide to take us around town, with the money we got from yesterday's fight we decide to go buy some clothes. We head into a store and the guys whine as we split up to look for clothes. The boys go sit down by the dressing rooms.

After a couple minutes I grab a few tank tops and jackets, some shorts and jeans as well as some flats and sandals. I go try on the clothes and shoes, once I make sure they fit I put my clothes back on and go pay. I go back to where the guys are sitting and wait with them. They stare at me in disbelief and I give them a confused look, "What?" I ask.
"You're not going to come out to ask how it looks?" Gray asks.
"Or take forever on looking for clothes?" Natsu asks.
"Why whould I?" Is this something human girls do? Should i do it too? "Am i supposed to?" I ask in a legitimate confused tone. I've been here for 2 days how am i supposed to know any of this?
"I mean... i don't know most girls normally do that." Gajeel points out.
"Is it a bad thing that i didn't do the same?"
"No, it's kind of relieving actually." Natsu smiles and goes to sit next to me, i smile back and Rogue walks towards us with the girls behind him.
"We paid already, we can leave if you're ready now," Erza says.

We walk around looking around following the boys, they said that they would show us around.
We arrive to a theme park, we enter and the guys rent out a locker to leave our bags. "I'll take Lucy!" Natsu yells as he takes my hand and runs off leaving everyone behind.

Natsu leads me to some pretty fun rides. After a while Natsu takes out a small device which i would assume is what humans call "phones" we were taught about them a while back during training. "The guys are at the food court let's go." He takes my hand, i didn't notice it before but my hand fits perfectly in his. My heart skips a beat and i smile, Natsu continues to lead me towards the food court, once we arrive he doesn't let go of my hand, we go sit down where everyone else is and he takes a seat next to mine. He finally lets go of my hand, Gray and Sting bought some food for all of us so we begin to eat.

Once were done eating Gray asks, "Have you gone on the ferris wheel?" The guys shake their heads and stand up. They take our hands and guide us to such said ferris wheel.
We all walk around together until we arrive to a giant wheel that has some sort of baskets on it. Human technology certainly is magnificent. We all get in line and Levy comed up to me, "who knew the mortal world could be so... pretty." I nod in agreement, this is nothing like what we had in heaven and hell.
"I'm going with Luce." Natsu says. "Well Shrimp will be coming with me then." Gajeel says as he takes Levy's hand. Sting and Rogue decide to stay together, Gray tells Juvia that she'll be riding with him, and Jellal hasn't let go of Erza's hand, she doesn't seem to mind though.

We get on the basket that's attached to the wheel, this is certainly a magnificent structure. Natsu sits across from me and smiles. "So how do you like the town so far?" He asks.
"It's very pretty, the town has many pretty sites, I'm glad you showed me around." I say as i look out.
"Magnolia is a pretty town. How are you feeling by the way?"
"I feel much better thanks, i don't know what we would've done if you weren't there to help." They may have gotten us in this mess but they've helped us through the yesterday and today.
"It's nothing, I'm glad you moved in with us. We enjoy your company." I smile at him and he takes my hands in his.
"You never told us where you're from..." I freeze, what do I say? I don't know what to say or know any place in general. "It's pretty far away, i don't think you'll know where it is." Natsu stares at me with curiosity.
"You're really weird you know... i like that." He grins and my heart skips a beat, i forget everything around us, my problems and worries all melt away as i see him inching towards me. His face is millimeters away, i look at the smirk on his lips. My gaze meets his, my heart beats faster and everything around us is silenced. His soft gaze melts my heart, "I'm so lucky you came into my life." He whispers.
My face feels like it's on fire, a bright pink adorns his cheeks. He leans closer and closes his eyes, I close my eyes and his lips are on mine. His warm lips on mine, my heartbeat speeds up and I feel butterflies in my stomach. He pulls away a grin on his face and a blush on his cheeks, I look at him and feel so small and weak, the wings on my back curl up even more under my jacket.

He realizes what he did and looks away with his face bright red. "I-I'm so sorry, I've only known you for two days a-and... I-im sorry. I just feel like we've known each other for long time..." He stays quiet and looks down. We haven't known each other for a long time, but I do know him... I watched and fell in love with him, it sounds creepy I know... but up until now, the fall was worth it.

"It's fine... you don't have to apologize. I feel the same way..." He looks at me, "You're just so beautiful and kind, you're like an angel." I freeze, angel... that's not what i am, I'm neither a demon or an angel I'm not a human either. I'm justified a mortal.
"I wouldn't call my self that..." i say in a nervous tone.
He takes my hands and kisses them, "well, i think you are."
The ride stops and I get out after Natsu, "We should go out on a date some other day." He takes my hand in his, we wait for the others to come out. Erza and Jellal walk out hand in hand, Juvia is being dragged by Gray, Levy walks in front of a flustered Gajeel, and Rogue walks out with a bright red Sting holding his hand and looking down with wide eyes.

We arrive home and put the clothes we bought away, Rogue comes into our room to get his stuff. "How are you going to hide your wings?!" I whisper. Juvia sits on her bed while listening to us.
"He has a bunk bed, I'll sleep on the top bed and have my back against the wall, my wings are thinner than yours and darker so if it's dark they won't be able to be seen." I shake my head, Juvia shakes her head as well.
"Rogue, i don't care what kind of excuse you have to make up, but they can't know what's going on with us. If we find a way to get our normal lives back we will go back. We will have to leave them, as much as it hurts to say it, we'll have to forget about them." Juvia gives us a sad smile, and a nod.
He sighs and nods, "yeah i know... I'll be careful, I'll sleep in a shirt if i have to." I nod and kiss his cheek, Juvia gets up and does the same, "Goodnight Rogue." He walks out and goes into Sting's room. "It'll be fine, don't worry so much." Juvia lays down on her bed.
All I can do is pray to the heavens that no one knows what we are.

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