Problems between Immortals

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As the fallen angels passed their day at home or on their dates, the Strauss sisters go back to see how messy things really are up in the palace.
"My daughter did need to be kicked out!" Says Jude Heartfilia.

"Jude please calm down don't yell." She tells her husband, she goes up to the king and yells at him, "My baby and her friends were ... no, they are the strongest warriors! What are we going to do if things get out of hand with Purgatory? You need them here!"

"Layla please calm down, what the king least wants is for the strongest family in heaven and hell to be against him." Irene adds in.

"Mr. and Mrs. Heartfilia, I am a very close friend of your daughter and her friends. I understand where you're coming from but they broke the rules." Princess Hisui says.

"Screw the rules, I want my child and her friends back here. They're apart of our family, I see them all as my kids. How do you think everyone else feels about them getting thrown out?" Irene says.

"We've gotten many complaints from the Rune Knights, Sabertooth, Phantom and Alvarez regiments... and of course the Celestial regiment." Hisui responds.

"Our kids just fell in love, what's wrong with being in love? Demons and angels fall in love and that's fine why is it wrong for them to love a mortal?" Jude argues. As much as i like that boy, i don't think I like the idea of him going out with my daughter. He thinks to himself.

The Strauss sisters make their way to the palace after hearing from their brother that Lucy's parents are arguing with the king.

"Princess, the Strauss sisters are here to talk to the Heartfilia family." Sally an angel that works for the palace says. Hisui tells her to let them in.

The Strauss sisters walk into the room, they greet the Heartfilia family and Irene, "Mr. and Mrs. Heartfilia, Lady Irene." Mirajane greets them.

"Mira, I've told you to just call me Irene," She responds to Mira.

" We came to inform you that we talked to your daughters yesterday."

"How are they? are they doing fine? Do they have a place to stay?" Both Layla and Irene bombard the sisters with questions.

"They're living with the people that caused them to fall..." Lisanna murmurs so that she can't be heard, but everyone heard her.

"Are they happy?" Jude asks as Jose from the Phantom Regiment and Jura from The rune knight regiment walk in.

"Do we know anything about them?" they ask.

"They're fine, apparently the fall made Lucy be in a lot more pain than the rest but they are all okay."

"I'm glad, I'll go inform Minerva that her brother is fine." Says Irene as she gets ready to leave.

Bora walks in, "What happened with Juvia! Is she okay? Will she be back?" Bora is a demon, he used to be a very close friend of Juvia, they dated for about 25 years until Juvia asked about them actually getting married. He avoided the topic because he wanted to get the guts to ask her, Juvia thought he didn't want to get married to her and this of course made them get into a huge argument. Juvia was devastated, she had cried her eyes out for a couple weeks nights until they came upon Gray and the others. Bora realized he did wrong and wanted to talk things out with Juvia, a day before they fell he decided to go talk to Juvia, unfortunately she was training and couldn't see him.

The next day he went to the palace only to find out she had been kicked out. He was furious, they didn't exactly break up, they just got in an argument and as her boyfriend he didn't know what to do.

"She's fine Bora."

"Layla! We're going to the mortal world next week, I have to see my child." Jude walks out with Irene, Jose, Jura and Layla behind him.

"Jude, you aren't seriously going to go down there... right?" Jose asks in disbelief.

"It's my daughter and her friends, they're like my own kids I can't leave them like that." Jude responds, Jura and Jose lead him off so they can all talk about maybe visiting the girls.

"Mrs. Heartfilia, Lucy and the others really don't know how to handle the situation. Lucy has been having a lot of trouble understanding what happened to them, she doesn't know what to feel." Mira says as she talks to Layla.
"Do you know who the boys are?" Irene asks.
Mira nods and tells them that she has known them for the past two years that she was in "earthland".
"What's the deal with that Bora dude?" Lissana asks remembering how worried he seemed.
"He's Juvia's boyfriend, the last thing i know is that they got into an argument, Bora was trying to find a way to ask her to marry him and make it memorable. Juvia took it the wrong way and thought he didn't want to be with her, so of course they had an argument and everything got out of hand." Layla explains.
Does Juvia realize she's still dating Bora? Mira thinks to her self.

"Well, Mrs. Heartfilia, Lady Irene it was a pleasure talking to both of you. Unfortunately we have to get back down to Earthland to make sure our job gets done." Mira says her goodbyes and makes her way to the gates.

As Mirajane and Lissana make their way to the gate Bora makes his way to them, he's accompanied by another guy that they recognize, Loke Lion, a trainee of the Celestial Regiment.
"Lady Mirajane, Lady Lisanna, we would like to join you on your trip to the mortal world. I want to see my girlfriend Lucy." Loke begs. Girlfriend?! Mira and Lisanna mentally yell to themselves
"Please Ms. Mirajane, i want to see my Juvia, i want to bring her back and finally marry her." Bora pleads the Strauss sisters.
"Sure, lets go." Lisanna says with a bit of an annoyed tone that fortunately the boys don't notice.

I will get my Lucy back, i refuse to believe she fell in love with a human.

Juvia, you won't get away this time. I can't loose you again.

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