News and problems

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We arrive home early in the morning before everyone wakes up.

I make my way through the hallway on my way to eat breakfast. I pass by Gray's room and hear something.
"I really wanted to, i wanted to be with her so bad Gray." I hear Natsu's voice from inside.
"Why didn't you just do it then, you were alone in the room she was ready, you were ready. Why didn't you do it?" Gray asks him.
"I freaked out, i got scared. She's like 400 years old she's probably had sex with angels or demons who are obviously more experienced than a 23 year old kid." Natsu complains.
He thinks I've... oh...
"Natsu, you are an adult," Gray responds.
"Compared to them I'm a child, i think... i don't know how age works up in heaven." Natsu lets out a frustrated groan and i hear something break.
"Hey don't break my shit. Go break your own lamp," Gray yells. "Look, just, talk to her. To what Loke told you they never went that far, maybe she's still... you know," Gray says.

I walk away and make my way downstairs.

"How did the party go?" Levy asks.

"It was fun, Hibiki's best man almost got slapped for flirting with me," i explain.
Juvia giggles and smiles.

"Natsu does seem to be very protective of you," she says.

"Yeah, I don't know if you've noticed but if a gut ever looks at you when we go out he will glare at them, it's scary," Levy adds.

"Really? I never realized he did..." now that I think about it I never really payed attention to the way other guys looked at me.

Later at dinner the food is fancy and there is everyone's favorite movies and drinks.

"What did you do now?" Jellal asks Sting and Natsu.

"Me?!" they both yell, "Why do you assume we did something?" Sting asks.

"Last time we had a dinner this fancy you guys broke Gajeel's guitar," Jellal responds.

"HEY!! That was a one time thing, I learned my lesson. Breaking stuff gets me nothing but guilt, and less money having to not only replace his guitar but on his favorite food for the night." Natsu responds.

"Calm down, me and Levy prepared this dinner," Gajeel speaks up.

.... why would they make thi- OMG SHE'S PREGNANT??

"No, I'm not Lu," Levy responds.

"She didn't even say anything..." Gray says.

"Telepathy," Juvia whispers to him. He nods and looks back at Levy and Gajeel.

"If that's not it, what happened?" Erza asks.

"I found a new place, it's small, and really affordable, so I talked it over with shrimp here and we agreed that we would move out and live together." Gajeel has this look of pride and happiness as he says he'll be moving in with Levy.

"Oh, I thought you had gotten her pregnant, I was about to knock you out." Erza glares at him and smiles.

"You do realize you have to get ahold of your parents and let them know where you're at. Speaking of that, Mira said she found out some way to talk to our parents more often." Juvia hugs Gray really hard as she tries to prevent him from stripping again.

"I know Juvia, I'll ask Mira later about that. I have to go start packing, we're leaving tomorrow afternoon."

"You literally gave us no warning. Jura would've made yo stay two nights in purgatory for that," I say.

Levy gives me a playful glare while I see Erza flinch. Erza... I forgot...

"I'm going to go get some cake before the shop closes," Erza says in a monotone voice and walks out.

"Lucile!" Rogue scolds me. Ouch, haven't heard that in a while...

"I'm sorry! I said it with out thinking." Juvia and Levy give me a worried look and a sad smile.

"Let's just forget about that, I'm going to go packing." Levy takes her leave.

The guys give me a worried look and ask if everything's okay, I say it's fine and head upstairs to my room.

"Erza, he's here!" Irene yells from downstairs. I had come over to help Erza get ready for a date, she had been hanging out with this guy for about a year, he asked her out and tonight was her night.

"Simon! Let's go!" Erza makes her way out the house with Simon, It's been a while since I've seen her excited to go on a date. To what I heard he's older by like 20 years, he might be leaving soon though. He has to go to Purgatory eventually, if they get together I hope that everything ends well.

Weeks passed by, they would have dates overtime they could. Eventually he told her he had to leave, he would go train in the safest part of purgatory.

A couple days ago Mira told Erza that Umbras attacked the camp Simon was in, at this point Erza had moved on from him, but of course, she still cared. She has been trying to play it off as if everything is fine, we know she's not. We just want her to be happy.

"Why is she acting strange?" I hear Jellal's voice. I look back and see him standing at my door, "She's been acting weird since a couple days ago, I just want to make sure she's fine. I love her, I need to make sure she's alright." His voice sad and pleading for an answer.

"She needs to tell you herself, I love her too, she's like assister to me, but unfortunately it's nit my place to tell you that."

"Do I have to be worried?" He asks. I give him a worried glance.

"It's about a guy, I really don't know if you should," I say in a worried tone.

He nods and makes his way back towards his room, I feel bad for both Erza and Jellal, I don't know what he's been through but this is really bothering him. Erza loves him, she really does, but Simon was a big part of her life. I don't really know how things will turn out soon, I just hope it all ends well.

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