The fall

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The lakes of mortality, the portals that allows us to see the mortal world from heaven, our window to the humans, theres lakes everywhere, the allow us to keep on eye on mortals so that everything stays in peace.

As we were making our way through the park we looked into the lake of mortality, there we saw them. A guy with salmon colored hair, his onyx colored eyes made my heart melt, as I looked into his dark eyes I felt lost. I snapped out of my trance and looked at my friends beside me. They all stared at the pool, their eyes on a specific mortal. I shook my head and walked away, "Guys lets go!" I said as I walked away, they looked at me and with a confused expression walked towards me.

Weeks went by, we kept looking for the mortals we had seen that da and we followed them around making sure they were fine. Somehow it all turned into a living hell... well not really, hell is a lot nicer than what happened to us. We did what was prohibited, we fell in love with mortals... the moment that we realized it we all fell, the gates opened and our fellow guardians escorted us out.

The top of our kind, the strongest, the best warriors there were among angels ad demons were now mortals.

As I fell my wings felt heavy, both my wings and horns felt numb and pain overtook my body, my shoulder blades felt as if they had been stabbed by a million swords. My chest felt heavy as my body plummeted to the ground, my head felt as if it was being hit by a myriad of bricks, my horns and wings suddenly felt as if they were on fire. The pain was so excruciating I couldn't even yell, I just kept quiet as all my friends yelled in pain, as a Hybrid the pain I felt was worse than theirs. My vision became blurry and my hands began to shake, I let out a scream as I felt my body hit the ground with a loud splash. My vision became dark as I saw everyone swimming towards me. My eyes closed and everything was dark.

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