Visits and pain

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Drina would like to say that what ever happens she will always ship Gruvia and Nalu. if it is ever hinted otherwise it is because it is necessary for the plot of the story. -Drina.

I wake up, Natsu asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday, but there's still something that's bugging me about it.

An image flashes in my mind, a boy with ginger hair and beautiful blue eyes. Loke...
Panic takes over me, Juvia rushes towards me and asks if I'm okay.
"Natsu asked me to be his girlfriend..." I tell her.
"That's great I'm so ha- wait... aren't you already dating Loke?" Fuck.
"He went away to purgatory for 5 years! There was no way he could contact me or viceversa. I need to talk to Natsu!"
I get up and trow on a large shirt over my tank top and shorts, i rush downstairs and see Natsu standing by the door of the backyard.
"Natsu!" He looks at me and smiles, i drag him outside and close the back door behind us.
"We need to talk," i say.

"Yeah, i wanted to ask about the movie, what sho-"

"I can't be your girlfriend!" I blurt out and interrupt him.
He looks at me with sad eyes and his smile fades away. "W-what? Why?"

"It's just... things are too complicated right now, I'm sorry." He looks at me, pain rushes over me. Natsu...

"It's fine, don't worry." His voice sad and filled with disappointment.
He walks back inside and i stand there outside, how could i forget about Loke? I love him, if i would have thought about him more i wouldn't be in this mess!
Loke... my heart flutters as i think of him, but somehow... it doesn't feel the same as it did before.

I walk inside and head upstairs to my room, i sit down on my bed and sigh.
"Did you fix things with Natsu?" Erza asks.
"How did -"
"Juvia told us." Levy says.
"Which leads me to the next conversation. Juvia, you went on a date with Gray?" Rogue questions.
"Y-yes." Rogue narrows his eyes and stares at her in curiosity.
"Are you his girlfriend?" He asks. Everything clicks in place. Juvia and Bora...
He was avoiding the conversation of marriage with her because he was planning a very romantic way of proposing... they argued because Juvia took things the wrong way, but they never broke up.
I look at Levy and Erza, they both seem to have remembered because they have a panicked look on their faces.
"No, Juvia has Bora..." Juvia says.
Juvia created a strange habit of talking in third person when she's talking about certain people, more specifically, her boyfriend of 25 years.
"Oh no... Juvia has Bora. I'm here because of Gray, that idiot! Bora will be so mad with Juvia when he finds out!" She says in a panicked voice.

"Guys!" Sting stands at our door, "There's someone looking for you." He says in a nervous tone.

I change into some jeans, a tank top and a leather jacket, i put on some black heels and i make my way downstairs.
I see Mira and Lisanna standing at the door.
"Mira?" I ask.
"Lucy, your parents say hi." Mirajane's words bring tears to my eyes. She went to see my parents...
"They're very worried about you." Lisanna adds in.
"Y-you went to them?" Erza asks in a shaky voice.
"They're all worried, oh and also..." they step aside and a figure make their way towards us, more specifically, me.
My tears fall down my face, the happiness inside me is too much for me to handle. Mira talked to my parents and family, not only that but... "Loke!" I jump into his arms, he wraps me in a warm embrace and whispers in my ear. "I'm here Lu, your safe." I sob against his chest, i thought i would never see him again.
"I thought i would never see you again, i missed you so much!" I say between sobs. He wipes my tears off and gives me a quick kiss.
"I missed you too, i promise i won't leave you again. Even if i have to stop working for Hisui, i will be with you forever." Forever... it can't be forever, I'm not immortal anymore.
"I can't go back.." i whimper.
"I'll take you with me, we'll go back together. Your parents are worried, Irene is worried, we all miss you guys." He says as he holds my hands.
Out of the corner of my eyes i see Natsu with a frown on his face.
"Loke, i don't know if we can." I say.

"Lucy, you are my girlfriend, my life, my whole existence. I love you and i need you there with me. Being away from you was torture." He leans in and kisses me, his soft lips on mine makes me feel happy, but it's not the same as it was before, i ignore the feeling and kiss back. I hear footsteps leaving the room but ignore them.
Loke is my boyfriend, i love him and he loves me. We pull away and i see everyone is staring, my face burns up. I was so focused on Loke i forgot everyone else was here, almost everyone. Where's Natsu?

Bora walks in, "Mira, Loke, Lisanna, you are very fast." He says out of breath as he leans on the wall.
Juvia sees him and her eyes begin to water.
"Juvia!" Bora says as he sees her, she runs towards him and cries. "Bora, Juvia is so sorry! Juvia didn't mean to get so mad at you." He hugs her and kisses her forehead.
The boys look at her in confusion and shock, they haven't heard Juvia talk in third person.
"Juvia, don't worry. It's my fault for not hurrying up."
"What do you mean Bora?"
He gets on one knee and holds her hands. "I know this isn't the best time, but i love you Juvia. We've been together for so long." Yeah, 10 years more than me and Loke...
"I wanted to ask you this and make it something memorable, but... Juvia will you come back home with me and become my wife?"
I look over to Gray, a dark aura surrounds him, I see Natsu outside punching and kicking a punching bag. Gray goes outside with a very angry expression on his face.
Falling for them was not a good idea, for them or us.
"B-Bora, Juvia loves you, but, things are very complicated right now," she says in a sad tone.
"Well take you all back, we will go home and be happy. Please Juvia."
Juvia nods and kisses him with tears in her eyes.
"Bora and Juvia will finally get married!" Juvia squeals.

Meanwhile Outside (Natsu's Pov.)
I can't believe it! This is why she ended things so quickly. She has a boyfriend! I punch the bag and give it a kick.
I knew a girl that pretty could not just be single. I see Gray coming towards me, he punches the bag and looks down with an angry expression.
"Why are you here?" I ask.
"For the same reason your here. You like Lucy and now it turns out her boyfriend is here to take her back home." He says in an angry tone. "And then, it turns out Juvia is now engaged." He spits out as he punches the bag.
"What?" Juvia's engaged?
"Her boyfriend came here to take her home as well, not just as her girlfriend but as his fiancé. Turns out she also speaks in third person while talking about her boyfriend. It makes me sick." He kicks the bag and breathes heavily.
How did we not see this coming? They look like angels, how could they hide this from us?
She let me kiss her... Luce... why?

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