Erza's past

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Simon... last time we saw each other was 50 years ago before he left to go to Purgatory, Mira told me what happened, I know he's strong, I just can't help but worry about him.

After mom and dad got separated I felt really lonely, I felt as if every discussion they had was my fault, my dad would always find a reason or another to argue with her, she was just so done with everything, I remember that when I was 10, she begged everyone to let her go to Purgatory, she wanted to die, Umbras seemed like the best way to die to her, the only way to die actually.

Everyone tried to get her to stay, finally when I talked to her, she decided to stay with me.

I met Lucy and the others during training, I then met Simon, and my life felt like it wasn't that empty. Lucy and the others made me feel so happy but Simon made my days brighter.

The moment he left I felt my life become a duller, I thought it would stay that way but then I saw Jellal.

The moment I saw him everything became even brighter, it sounds mean, I know, but having Jellal in my life made me happier than Simon did.

I guess that's what love does to you , I love Jellal, and I know he loves me too, I just hope Simon will understand when he gets out of Purgatory.... if he is still alive....

I hear a knock on the door, Jellal walks in with a smile, in his hand is a white box, "I brought cake," He says as he closes the door behind him.

"Do you want to talk about it?" His voice soft and caring. My eyes begin to water and I reach for a hug, he puts the cake on my desk and hugs me, I cry in his arms as he whispers "I'm here, don't worry," in a loving voice.

My friend might be dead, it's eating me up inside.

After a couple minutes i explain things to Jellal, he listens quietly as i tell him what happened.
"I thought you couldn't die..." he says in a confused tone.
"I know it's... a strange thing to explain. There's this things called Umbras in Purgatory, they're shadow like demons, they have the form of a human. It's pretty difficult to kill them, that's why we are trained so much. Umbras kill us by cutting our wings off and then attacking us."

He stays quiet and processes the information. "I see, Erza, I know that no matter what I say I can't promise that it will be fine, what I can promise is that no matter what happens, good or bad, we are here for you, Lucy, Rogue, Levy, Gajeel, Natsu, me, we all care about you. I't getting late and you need to get some rest. Goodnight Erza," His voice soft and loving. He leans in and kisses me, a soft passionate kiss.

"Goodnight Jellal, I love you," I say with a smile on my face.

He kisses my cheek and forehead, "I love you Erza," He says. He walks out and closes the door behind him, leaving me with a lovestruck heart and some delicious cake sitting on my desk.

Thank you Jellal, for everything. I love you so much and there is nothing that can change that.


I love Erza, no matter what has  happened or been apart of her past I will be with her  to help and support her.

Something she said as she explained how Umbras kill immortals really stuck out.

Lucy used a spell that said her wings needed to be unusable for the spell to work... does that mean she has to het rid of her wings?
I put the thought in the back of my mind.
There's a lot of things about angels and demons i don't know yet, they're certainly beautiful creatures, Erza specially.
I just hope she's fine.

Short chapter i know sorry, next chapter will be longer don't worry. -Drina

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