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I would like to once again apologize, the following flashback (Natsu's) is necessary for the plot. -Drina

I see her smile, she let's herself fall back and plummet to her death.
That used to be something that seemed pathetic and unreal to us, then again our normal was living forever and having powers.

As the girl I have loved since we were 30 know falls to her death... I look at the barrier in front of us, the barriers is a very complicated spell used by the Heartfilia family when battling strong opponents, a barrier that is up as long as the castor is alive, in our case that would be forever. The barrier is still here, maybe Lucy is still immortal.

"I give it up" what did she mean by that? what did Natsu tell her while they were gone? I know she's here because of Natsu.

Lucy, please be okay...


She stood there at my door, her bright smile and her beautiful blonde hair, "Natsu I know we were supposed to do movie night at my house but an old friend of mine asked if they could stay over, I just didn't want you to be uncomfortable." She said in a soft voice.

"It's fine Jenny don't worry." She had been acting very distant, but somehow having her there with me made everything seem fine. Eventually she would say she had to help her friend with something. I was worried that she didn't feel the same way she used to. She said her friend had left and apologized for not being there as much. Everything had gotten a bit more normal, she had a job even before we began dating when she got out of work she would come to my apartment and we would make dinner or play video games,  but after her friend had left she began to get out of work really late. I understood why, she had mentioned wanting to save up for new car.

The day of our two-year anniversary I took the spare key she had given me and made my way to her place. I prepared her favorite meal, I made things look romantic, I had never taken things too far with Jenny or anyone, but tonight I would have my first time with her.

I finished up and decided to sit down, a few minutes later after scrolling through some pictures of me and Jenny, I heard the door open, I stayed quiet and made my way to her kitchen to get a cake I had made for her. "Hibiki..." I heard Jenny's moans. I made my way back with the cake in my hands.

In front of me was my close friend Hibiki Lates with a topless Jenny and his hands on her lower back and her legs and arms wrapped around him. Their lips smashed together as he pushed her back against the door.
The cake fell on the floor, Jenny and Hibiki stop and look at me. "Natsu..." she said, she let go of Hibiki and maked her way towards me. "Natsu, it's not what you think..." I glared at her and walked towards the couch to get my stuff.
"Natsu! I love you i really do! Please I'll do anything to prove it." I shook my head and walked to the kitchen. Hibiki left and Jenny made her way towards me, "baby please, I'll do anything."
I told her that i wanted her to move in with me, it was a really big step for our relationship.
A few days after i asked her she was gone, no trace of her anywhere, Habiki had suddenly disappeared as well. It was more than obvious that she had left me.

As i see Lucy smile, my heart breaks. "I'll give it up." She smiles again and falls.
It all happens so slowly, it seems like an eternity, she slowly falls, my heart clenches as i see her slowly falling to her inevitable death.
She's out of view, i fall to my knees and cry.
"She's fine, the barrier will stay intact until she dies so as long as this stays intact it means she's fine." Erza says in a sad tone.
Levy kneels in front of the barrier, her head down and tears falling down her face.
"It's a long drop..." Juvia cries, tears fall down her face, her eyes dark and filled with pain.
Rogue and Loke are sitting down quietly on the floor, Sting hugs Rogue and gives him a kiss. "It's fine, don't worry," he whispers.
I stare at the barrier, Lucy please be alive.

Out of nowhere the barrier shatters into a million pieces, the barrier is broken which means...
"Lucy!!!!" Levy screams at the top of her lungs as tears fall down her face.
Mira and Erza take their jackets of and jump off the cliff, they have wings too.
I don't care, i just want Lucy to be okay...
Rogue and Loke stare at where the barrier once was. Lisanna takes her jacket off as well and goes talk to a sobbing Levy who is being hugged by Juvia. Juvia holds Levy in her arms with tears in her eyes. "She's fine," she whispers to herself over and over again.
What did i do?
I didn't deserve this, Lucy didn't deserve this...
Luce... please stay with me.

Mira and Erza fly back up with Lucy in their arms, they set her down gently as tears fall down their faces.
Lucy lays there covered in blood and scratches, her hands and legs look like they're broken. Something bothers me about her, she's dead but that beautiful smile is still on her face. Her wings are crumpled up underneath her, the chain and rope digging into her wings and body. Her blonde hair now looks crimson red, something that i hadn't realized is that she has horns. Now her horns are broken and covered in blood. "Lucy!" Levy cries.

Tears fall down my face as I see Lucy like this, "You!! You did this to her! SHE'S DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!" Rogue yells, horns appear on his head and his red eyes glow with hatred, he grabs me and punches me. "Rogue stop. Lucy wouldn't want this." Levy sobs.

Rogue looks at her, "He did this to her! She got kicked from heaven and hell because of him, she fell in love with him and broke the one rule that had to do with mortals! And this asshole not only broke her heart but also took her life," he barks.
Levy looks at me and sighs, she goes towards Gajeel who stands there frozen, she hugs him and he snaps out of his thoughts. He sees the short blue haired angel sobbing and hugs her.
Rogue is being pulled away by his boyfriend while Erza and Mira kneel down next to Lucy.

A sudden flash of light appears and Lucy's parents walk out with a small girl with dark blue hair. With them is Erza's mom.
Their eyes go towards Lucy and Lucy's mom falls to the ground. "S-she's d-dead..." she whimpers.
The blue haired girl goes up to Lucy and puts her hand on Lucy's forehead. I rose pink light covers Lucy's body, the chain breaks and the rope is untied. Lucy's body slowly begins to go back to how it used to.
"What ever it is she did made her take a lot of damage, she's alive, her heart beat is extremely weak which is why you can't feel a pulse, but she will be fine." She says.
Everyone has a relived look on their faces knowing Lucy is alive, but she's extremely fragile so we don't know what could happen.
Erza's mom nods and goes to Bora, he picks him up and takes him through the light from where they came.
"Wendy, you'll stay here to make sure Lucy will be fine," Lucy's dad says.
"I will do anything for Lucy, she and Erza are like sister to me so i won't let them be alone right now." Wendy says.

"Natsu, Lucy is a very loving and kind angel, she loved you so much she was willing to die to prove it. If you mess up i will make sure that you die a painful death and that your stay in heaven or hell is terrible." Lucy's dad says. With that said they both leave with tears in their eyes.


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