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I open my eyes, the bright sun light hits my face and i am blinded. As i try to sit up pain overtakes my body, my arms shake as i try to move. My chest and abdomen feel like they have just been stabbed by one of my fire swords, i wince in pain as i slowly sit up. I see Erza making her way towards me, "Lucy, we're at a beach... luckily we have our cloaks, we can go look for something to wear, maybe even trade some of our golden coins for some money." She said as she looked around. "Juvia, Levy and Rogue went to look for some different clothes and some medical supplies for you." I nod and look around. We finally did it, we fucked up in the worse way possible, we became fallen angels... great, just great. I try to stand but Erza stops me, "You need to rest, you received more damage than all of us combined. Having more magic than us made it more painful when you fell." I nod slightly at Erza's words, despite her calm face and composure I know better. She's just as scared as I am, she had worked so hard to get where we were, and know we were in an unknown place. We don't know anyone or anything here, while in training we were taught a couple things about mortals, but other than that we didn't really know how to get around or anything.

The wait was a bit long, but soon enough Juvia and Rogue came back with bags in their hands.

Juvia hands me a bag with some clothes, in it a pink shirt and a light brown skirt, a black jacket and some black combat boots. Erza takes her clothes out of her bag, she has a blue skirt and a simple while blouse, a denim jacket and some black boots. Juvia had probably gotten changed store where they bought the clothes,  she has a blue dress that goes down to knees, her usual blue hat and a blue jacket that matched her dress along with some brown boots. Rogue has some jeans and a t-shirt, a black leather jacket and some black running shoes on. Juvia an dErza help me get up so I can get changed. Erza not caring strips down to her underwear and gets changed, I stare at her with wide eyes. She has got to be kidding me, she expects me to do the same? I think not. "Come on Lucy." Juvia and I look at each other, I then realize one of us is missing. "Wait... where's Levy?" I ask Rogue sighs, "She saw a book store and said she wanted to explore mortal literature." he says in a slightly disappointed tone. "But I told her not to, she snuck off." he defends. I nod, "We'll get her once I get dressed." I reassure him, he nods and motions me towards the my bag of clothes. "...fine..." I reluctantly strip down to my underwear and put on the clothes that I was given. "My wings feel so uncomfortable..." I say, everyone nods and I just sigh.

We make our way through town headed to the bookstore. "What if she got lost? Will we split up? I don't wanna lose you guys." Rogue says in a panicked voice. "Rogue it's fine." I reassure him.
We go inside the book store and see Levy sitting down with a book in her hands, she wears an orange dress similar to Juvia's and some red heels, her Rune nights jacket was on her when we fell so she has that on as well. "Lucy! The books they have here are amazing." She whispers in excitement. "That's great Lev, but we need to go. We need to get some food." She smiles and goes to buy the book.
After leaving the books store we headed out to look for some food. Erza said she was excited to try the wonderful and exquisite foods that mortals served. We went into a place where they sold Italian Pizza, if i remember correctly that is a different country. We are seated and we order some food. Erza orders some fettuccini alfredo, Levy gets some spaghetti and meatballs, Juvia and I order a some lasagna and Rogue gets some chicken alfredo.
Who the fuck is Alfredo and why does he have so much pasta?! 
Once we have our food we begin eating, "This is so good," says Erza. We all nod in agreement and continue eating in silence.
When we're finished with our food we are given a different menu with desserts. Erza orders some cake, Juvia and Levy order some cheesecake, Rogue gets a chocolate cake and i just get a strawberry shake. What is is with all these kinda of cakes?!
We pay and leave, it's getting late and we need to find someway to stay. "I read something about 'hotels'," says Levy, "It's a place where people rent a room out and they can stay there." We agree in looking for a hotel so we can spend the night.
We make our way through the town in look for a hotel, "Watch where you're going Elsa!" I hear someone yell out. That voice sounds familiar... "You wanna go Pyro?" Says a different voice. These voices sound familiar... where have i heard them? I look towards my friends and see Juvia's eyes wide and a smile on her face. "It's him!" She says in a soft voice.
"Stop fighting. We need to get home as soon as we can, it'll start raining soon." A different voice spoke out this time. Erza's eyes widen, they're the guys that got us into this mess to begin with!
We look down as we continue to walk forward, we can't look around, we can't have any type of contact with these mortals.
We head towards a nearby park and we sit at a picnic table. I look up and making his way towards me is the guy that caused my fall.
Do you know the feeling you get where your heart beat speeds up and your face feels flushed, your legs are shaking and you're a nervous wreck? That's exactly what i feel right now. I see his spiky salmon colored hair and his piercing onyx eyes. I immediately look down and try to calm down, but it doesn't work, come on Lucy, you're stronger than this.
My breathing is back to normal and my heartbeat's steady, i look towards everyone else and they all look as flustered as i was a few seconds ago.
This will be a terrible experience.

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