I love you

519 17 10

I am so sorry please don't hate me for this chapter. -Drina.

Gray is taken away by Sting and Rogue, Loke follows while mumbling something about human males being dumb.

"Oh great you're here too. But guess what?! I still don't know what the fuck is happening?!" Gajeel yells out.
"Gajeel calm down honey," Levy says as she goes to grab his arm.
"What's next?! Levy is actually an angel?!" He blurts out.
Levy lets go of him and looks down, "There is an explanation for that, but yes i am actually." Gajeel stares at her with wide eyes.
"And you were planning on telling me when?!"
"It's not exactly as easy as you would think." She barks back. She turns around and takes her jacket off.
Her wings and jewel are exposed for him to see.
"Oh so i mention that i want a tattoo and you say no, but it's okay for you to have one. And why is it so fucking cool?" Gajeel honestly confuses me so much. Levy i wish you good luck with that one.
Loke comes up to me, "I know why you're here, I love you and i just want to see you happy. If Natsu makes you happy... go for it. I just hope we can still be friends," he whispers. I smile and kiss his cheek, "i would love that Loke, thanks."

I look at Natsu, he stands there looking at me, there are so many different emotions present in his eyes, awe, confusion, disappointment, betrayal, and anger. Natsu...

He makes his way towards me and pulls me away, he leads me somewhere where everyone else won't hear, it's pretty far away... I don't have a good feeling about this.

"Why?" he murmurs under his breath. "Why would you lie to me like this Lucy?! if that is your name, for all I know you could have lied about your name too." He snaps. My heart clenches as he yells at me.

"Natsu it's not like it's as easy as it sounds..." I defend.

"First you trick me into thinking that you like me, that I have a chance at being with a girl that is amazing, that I won't be left by the person that I fell in love with. I trusted you Lucy! You broke my heart! You said that you wanted to be with me! You played with my feelings!" He stares at me with rage and sadness in his eyes. "Not only me... your boyfriend... you said yes to me... did your boyfriend not mean anything to you?"
My heart feels as if it's being shattered into a million pieces, Loke is just a friend now... Natsu...
"Natsu... you don't get it..." i whisper, my voice sad and filled with pain. My eyes are tearing up, my hands shake and my knees give out. "I love you i really do... let me prove it... I'll do anything please. Natsu i would give my life up for you."
Natsu grabs my arms and pulls me up, he holds me close to him and stares into my eyes. "Don't lie to me like that," he hisses. Natsu...
He lets me go and i fall to the ground, i lay there as tears fall down my face, he walks away back towards everyone else without looking back. I watch him go as i begin to sob quietly.
Why did i do that to him? Loke didn't deserve this, Natsu didn't deserve this either... both of their pain is my fault....
I get up with tears in my eyes, i make my way to where everyone is.
"Lucy? Why are you crying?" Juvia is the first one to notice me. Loke looks at me in consern while Natsu has and angered look in his eyes, all he can do is turn around and ignore my presence.
"You!" Rogue yells as he points at Natsu, "What did you do to her?!" He roars. His red eyes blaze with anger as he makes his way towards Natsu.
"Leave him alone Rogue," i say in a pained filled voice.
Rogue looks at me with sad eyes, Erza and Levy make their way towards me while everyone else just stares.
I quickly use the knowledge on script magic i have and make a barrier between me and everyone else. In front of me stands Erza, Juvia and Rogue trying to talk to me, i can't hear what they're saying though. Mira and Lisanna are next to Levy trying to undo the barrier. Behind me is the sky, and at my feet the edge of the cliff where Bora was standing as he attempted to take Gray's life.
I manifest a rope and a chain, i tie the rope around my wings, once they're tightly tied up i grab the chain and wrap it around my wings and torso, i manifest a open lock without a key and make sure the chain is secured on my body.
I look at everyone in front of me, i use my magic to create another barrier. Everyone bangs on the barrier as they yell out. I see their mouths moving, they keep mouthing my name.
Loke is kicking and punching the barrier while tears fall from his eyes. I look at Natsu who stands where he was, he looks at me with tears in his eyes, his eyes filled with pain.

I would die for you Natsu...

I sat down with Mavis and her husband, they are the oldest angel and demon here, the first ones to be created. During my studies on mortals i out of curiosity asked them both a question, "is it possible for us to become mortals?" They both stared at me and frowned.
"Why would you want to be mortal?" They asked.
"I wouldn't, but is there a way?" I question.
"There is," Zeref went to his bookshelf and took out a couple books, left behind was a crevasse in the wall, he reached in and took out a book.
He handed me the book and said "page 375" i opened up the book and looked for the page he told me to go to. The first thing i read was MORTALITY AND A NEW START. I read the rest and got to a part where it said your wings would have to be unusable and you would have to say 'et immortalitatis sit possibile, ut mortem pro me refers acieque' if done correctly the spell will rid you of your wings or horns therefore making you mortal.
I stood there as Mavis and Zeref sighed, "Lucy, no one has ever seen this book, no one knows this spell exists, if you use this spell, you could die if you're in a dangerous situation." I nodded and thanked them, i assured them that i wouldn't tell anyone about the spell and left.

"Natsu! What did you say to her?!" Rogue went up to Natsu ready to start a fight.

"Don't fight, it's all fine." Everyone looks at me, Natsu rushes up to the barrier and starts to kick it.
"Lucy! Stop this madness!" He yells.

I smile. "et immortalitatis sit possibile, ut mortem pro me refers acieque," i say to myself, everyone looks at me with confused expressions. My wings are unusable, and i said what the book said. "May death be possible and immortality unreal for me," Jellal says.
"What?" Erza questions.
"It's Latin, immortality be unreal... what does that mean?" He asks. Erza and Mira's eyes widen. "Levy hurry up!" They yell.
"Natsu," i call out, everyone but Levy looks my way and allow Levy to try to break the barriers.
Natsu looks at me pain in his eyes, "I give it up," i smile. His eyes widen as he realizes what i mean.
"Lucy!!" He yells as Levy breaks the script barrier.
I allow myself to fall backwards, as i fall i see the bright sky, my first home, where it all began.
"Goodbye," i whisper to myself.
Everything begins to look foggy, suddenly a rush of pain goes through my body as everything goes black.

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