Sting and Rogue

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3rd person Pov.
Rogue heads into his room, Sting is not there yet so Rogue decides to begin to get ready for bed. He takes his jeans off and puts on some basketball shorts on. He takes off his shirt and just as he does so Sting enters the room. Rogue turns around immediately and makes his wings as small as possible.
"Rogue, i didn't know you had such a nice body. You're always in an oversized jacket or shirt." Sting says as he goes over to Rogue. Something catches Sting's eyes, the jewel on Rogue's arm.
"I knew Lucy had a tattoo, i never thought you would have one too." Sting moves closer to Rogue and begins to reach for his arm, Rogue's eyes widen and he steps back.
Rogue now has his back and wings against the wall, Sting looks into Rogue's eyes and then down to his lips. Unable to resist Sting leans in and stares into Rogue's eyes, "You really are something different," he says before closing the gap between their lips.
They close their eyes and smile into the kiss, Sting moves his right hand towards Rogue's long hair and plays with it while his other hand cups Rogue's cheek. Sting, i like you so much, Rogue thinks to himself.
Rogue moves both his hands onto Sting's waist, Sting leads them to the bed and lays down with.
Rogue moves his hands away from Sting's waist and puts one on each side of Sting's head so he can support himself over Sting.
They continue to make out for a few more minutes, Sting begins to use his hands to explore Rogue's chest, his hands begin to make their way to Rogue's back.
Rogue is too caught up on kissing Sting that he doesn't pay much notice to Sting's hands on his back slowly making their way to his wings.
Sting's hands reach Rogues shoulder blades, there he feels something strange, it has a scale like texture. He opens his eyes as he pulls away from the kiss. He stares at Rogue, and sees a pair of dark wings, his eyes widen and he pulls his hands back, Wings? Is that what i just felt? He has wings?! Sting thinks. Rogue stares down at him with curious eyes, he suddenly realizes what just happened, Sting saw his wings.
Sting has a look of alarm on his face, he opens his mouth to scream but is silenced by Rogue kissing him. Rogue pulls away and cups Sting's cheeks, "Sting, i like you, and I'm going to tell you this for that exact reason, but in order for me to do that i need you to not scream. Okay?" Rogue says. Sting blushes and nods.
"It might take some time, I'll give you the short version right now, and tomorrow we can explain everything, okay?"
Rogue tells him he's a demon, that he was once immortal and is now stuck in the mortal world unable to use magic. He tells Sting that he will receive the full explanation in the morning. Sting accepts and smiles, he pulls Rogue towards him and hugs him.
"I'm glad you trust me enough to tell me this despite only knowing each other for a couple days." Rogue shakes his head and says it's nothing. Rogue stands up to get to his bed but is stopped by Sting.
"I don't want to sound clingy or possessive of what's not mine... but, do you think you could maybe sleep with me?" Rogue nods and lays down next to Sting. "You have every right to be possessive, I'm all yours," Rogue whispers to Sting. Sting blushes a dark shade of red and smiles.
Both Sting and Rogue hug each other as they sleep, I'm going to have a lot of explaining to do, Rogue thinks to himself as he realizes that he just told Sting he would give him a complete explanation the next morning, not only that but he's also glad that Sting seemed shocked and intrigued by his wings.

Back to Lucy's Pov.
I wake up to Rogue dragging me out of bed. Rogue what the fuck? I was just trying to live my life and sleep, i closed my eyes once i saw his face and now I'm pretending to still be asleep.
He then proceeds to carry me to god knows where, i will be honest I'm to fucking tired to be dealing with this kind of stuff so early.
"It's over here," Sting says.
....wait... Sting?! Good thing i fell asleep in my hoodie last night,now my wings won't be seen.
I open my eyes and jump out of Rogue's arms. Erza,Levy, and Juvia stand there with a bored expression, "So you were awake," Levy says.
I glare at her in a playful way then look at Sting and Rogue.
"Where are we going?" I ask.
"Sting is taking us somewhere," Rogue responds.
We all follow Sting and Rogue as they guide through the beach, he leads us to a nearby beach house.
"Natsu bought this a couple years back, we only come here on the holidays. No one will see us there." What is Sting talking about? Sting leads us towards the inside and locked the doors, he closes the blinds of the windows.

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