Hiking and cliffs

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Drina would like to apologize in advanced for the content of the following chapter. Please do not hate me it gets better... i think... -Drina

As I sit in my room wondering how I'm going to tell Loke that i want to stay here Natsu knocks on the door.
"N-Natsu!" My voice hopeful, i need to tell him.
"There's someone here looking for you." His voice sounds sad, last time he said that was a couple days ago when Loke came back for me.
I head downstairs and see Erza crying, Levy is silent with tears in her eyes, Juvia and Rogue sob uncontrollably on the couch hugging each other. I see why when i look at the other couch, there Irene and my parents sit with tears in their eyes. "Lucy!" Mom rushes towards me, "i missed you so much honey! All of you, you're all like my children." Tears fall down my face, my heart clenches as i see my mother cry.
"What are you doing here mom?" I manage to ask between sobs.
"We needed to see how you were doing. We were going to come sooner but Jose and Jura had some things to do, they ended up going out to..." she looks around and chooses her words carefully. "See some relatives. Bora and Loke left without a word. Irene has been going on and on about how much she misses you, we all ha-"
"Excuse me, i don't mean to interrupt you, but you said you're Lucy's mom?" Gajeel asks.
"Yes, that is correct."
"Oh, well... I'm Gajeel,I'm Levy's boyfriend." Levy's face turns scarlet red.
"Oh, so this is him..." both Irene and Mom look at him menacingly.
"Mom!" Erza yells at the same time as me.

Everyone introduces themselves and my dad looks around, "Where's Leo?" He asks.
Just as he says that Loke and Bora walk in.
"Sir, I'm glad you're here. I wanted to talk to you. Juvia and I will be getting married as soon as we get back home." Bora mentions.
Gray frowns and looks away, poor Gray.
"B-Bora, i think we should talk." Ouch, first person, that must hurt him a lot. Juvia takes Bora outside.
Everyone stays quiet, we're all curious about this.
"Bora, i think w-"
"Why are you talking to me in first person, Juvia what's going on?" He sounds upset.
"You know why I'm here, why we all are. As much as i try to push all those feelings aside, i can't. I don't feel the same way i used to." She sounds like she's about to cry... Juvia hang in there.
"It's him isn't it? The one with th-" Juvia interrupts him.
"Bora, that's not the problem here! The problem is that i don't feel the same way. I tried to ignore what all those girls would always say, i knew they were telling the truth but I didn't want to believe it. I'm sorry Bora." She makes her way back inside and we all pretend like we were all talking.
"So yeah, that's why potatoes are the best." Sting says. We all stare at him, Sting you have to be kidding me.
"We're not getting married, we aren't anything more than friends." Juvia says as she walks upstairs. Bora rushes in with a furious look on his face and grabs Loke, he drags him out and they take their leave.


"Well, we should probably head back, we'll come by some other time. Don't forget we'll be with you in a way." Mom says as she drags dad and Irene out the door.

Everyone stands up and is ready to leave, "Gray," i say.
Everyone looks at me, "Hurt her and i will cut your balls off." With that i leave Erza to Glare at him while Rogue and Levy just give him a small smile.

I just hope everything will get better between Gray and Juvia.
All that's left is for me to talk to Loke.

The next morning, i get changed and grab a jacket to cover my wings, everyone is already downstairs, Mira organized a hiking trip for all of us.
Loke and Bora show up and Loke comes towards me.
"Lucy, i want to talk to you."
"I need to talk to you as well actua-"
"We will be making our way all the way to a cliff that's hidden over there, there isn't many people here today so let's enjoy this.

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