Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Annie Pov.

When we arrive at the tributes living quarters, we are put into what Pearl tells us is an elevator. Finnick has rode in one from last year, but I've never rode in one before, and I want to do it again, but I don't ask. We eat dinner our first night there. They're serving ham with tons of vegetables. I eat with Finnick and the rest of the team. Mick hasn't really been talking much. I don't want to be in an alliance with anyone but Mick. I remember last year how Finnick teamed up with the careers and how they tried to make him kill Hannah. I couldn't kill Mick, Mick is one of my best friends.

"So tomorrow are the tribute parades." Pearl reminds us. "Your stylist Annie has already started working on your outfits."

"Her name is Annie?" I ask Pearl.

"Yes, quite a coincidence isn't it?" Pearl asks.

"Yea." I respond emotionlessly.

As we're eating and chit chatting, I spill my apple juice on the floor and I see an avox coming over. I know this avox. It's an old friend from six. Our avox is Larry.

"Larry?!" I yell.

He can't speak and he ignores me.

"Larry is that you?" He gives me a quick nod as he cleans the spill on the carpet. I see more avoxes coming. I know them to. They're my parents.

"Mom! Dad!" I cry out.

I run towards them and hug them but they don't hug me back.

"You aren't supposed to interact with the avoxes unless you need service." Pearl says rudely,

I cry and run in my room, if I try to show them any affection then they will just be punished. So I sit on my bed crying. Finnick walks in and sits on the bed. He doesn't talk but he just pulls me into a hug and strokes my hair. I sniffle and try to catch my breath from crying. I can't deal with everyone I love being here as avoxes. I'll never hear my mother's laugh, of my Dad's jokes. I'll never hear Larry's voice either. Why would Snow do this to them? Now I know why. My mom and dad sent me to a different district which is illegal. Larry is here because he helped me by lying to the peacekeepers in four. I can't believe that they're here. I cry myself to sleep in Finnick's arms.


When I wake up Finnick looks down at me.

"You okay?" He asks me sadly.

I shake my head no and he lays his head on mine still letting me stay in his arms.

"Why would Snow do this?" I mumble.

I feel him shrug his shoulders. "Because he's an insane horrible person."

We sit there until Pearl tells us to come down for breakfast. Finnick and I don't get to see each other after breakfast because it's time to get ready for the tribute parade. I'm wearing an ocean blue dress. I like this color a lot. Finnick walks over to me with six sugar cubes in his hand.

"What's with the sugar cubes?" I ask with a slight laugh.

"I tried them last year and I like them. I thought I'd bring a couple to you." He explains.

He puts three in my hand and I pop them in my mouth. We have to get in the chariots now.

"Nice dress." Mick says.

"Thanks. Your outfit is nice too." I say.

The chariot starts moving and I feel like I'm gonna fall out. I start leaning towards the outside. Mick pulls me up before we get outside and holds my arm in place so that I can't fall.

"Thanks." I whisper.

"Finnick would kill me if I let you fall." We laugh.

We wave to the crowd as they throw flowers and cheer. I don't know why people are yelling my name. But then I remember that I'm Finnick's girlfriend, everyone loves Finnick. That's why.

We get off the chariot.

"I almost fell out." I tell Finnick.

He starts laughing and I hit his arm. We ride the elevator upstairs to our apartment. I see my parents and Larry, they just stand in the corners with their heads down. I wish they could talk to me, I think to myself, or at least hug me. But I know if I try to show them affection or attention of any sort other then giving them orders that they will be punished. They've already been punished for helping me and if staying away from them is what it takes to keep them from getting into more trouble then that's what I'll do. After dinner I walk into my room. I'm crying as my mute parents and Larry walk around the apartment. My dad comes in and looks down at me.

I whisper one word, "Daddy." He puts his finger to his lips and bends over and kisses my forehead. He quickly walks out of the room, and I fall asleep.

Win For Me (sequel to Driven By Love second book to the Finnick and Annie Series)Where stories live. Discover now