Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Annie Pov.

When we wake up, we go downstairs to make breakfast. Finnick holds my arm and we stir the eggs together. It's fun being able to do the little things like this that some people might take for granted. We don't get to have time like this so when we do, we both treasure it.

It was nice talking to him last night. I wish we could just spend every day like that. I know he would to if he could. After we eat breakfast, we go to his parents house. They wanted us to come over for the day for some reason.

"Hi Finnick, hi Annie." Mrs. Odair greets us as we enter the house.

"Hi." we both say in sync with each other. We smile at each other when we do this.

We sit down on the couch and they sit down with us.

"So how have you guys been doing?" Mr. Odair asks. He directs it towards Finnick and he's obviously asking about our relationship. I laugh a little but Finnick turns beet red. Finnick's dad laughs too.

"Fine dad." Finnick says trying to move on from the topic.

"Annie isn't it funny how easily embarrassed he gets?" Mr. Odair asks me and I can't help but laugh. I nod my head in agreement.

"You guys are awful!" Finnick yells jokingly.

"If I'm so awful why are you dating me?" I ask sarcastically.

"She's gotta point." Finnick's dad agrees with me.

"Fine team up against me." he rolls his eyes.

"I'm sorry." I apologize sarcastically even though he's not even mad.

He gives me a toothless smile.

Finnick's mom comes in with some dinner and we turn on the TV. For once something new is on. The show is about Finnick and I.

Caesar is on the TV with his brightly colored purple hair.

"Hello everyone! I'm sure you know why I'm here, but everyone in those districts probably do not. I am here because the people of the Capital were begging for a special segment on our victors, Finnick Odair and Annie Cresta!"

"When are they going to learn to but out of everyone's privacy?" I ask.

"Never." Finnick says and I smile a little.

"Everyone has been wanting to know more about these two, that's why we sent a camera crew to district four right now!" Caesar exclaims and the crowd goes insane.

"Ughhhhh!" I sigh.

Finnick opens the door and sure enough, there's a small camera crew that comes in. Finnick's mom and dad go in their bedroom and they ask us to sit down so that they can interview us.

"When did you guys meet?" The interviewer asks. He is about thirty years old with crazy pink hair and he's wearing a matching pink tuxedo.

Finnick goes right to a lie, "We met at school about, four years ago. We hung out together and I started to like her in a different way. So I asked her out and she said yes and we've been inseparable ever since." It scares me how good he is at lying, I felt like I believed him even though I know it's not the truth.

"We know when Annie fell for you from her interview but when did you fall for her?" the interviewer asks.

"I knew when we were at school, it was just after gym class and some kid was making fun of her. I realized that the reason I was so mad that he said what he said was because I liked her. So after I took care of him, I went back to Annie. She told me that she didn't want me to lose my friends because of her and I told her that she was worth it. I knew then that I was falling for her."

After Finnick says this, I know this story was the truth and I kiss him and I hear the audience on the TV go, "aww". I kind of forget that they are there. Finnick holds my hand and I lay my head on his shoulder.

"This is a question for both of you, how has Annie's diagnosis of her post traumatic stress disorder affected your relationship?" he asks and I go to answer because Finnick gets mad at questions like this. The people in the Capital don't see the same way that normal people do.

"I asked Finnick the same thing when I found out. He said that no matter what I look like or do that he'll always love me." I tell the interviewer and Finnick smiles at me.

Everyone says 'awww' again.

"Thank you for your time! We will check up on our victors for the next games! Back to you Caesar." The interviewer says. The cameras turn off and he thanks us for doing the interview. (Like we had a choice.) I think to myself. They leave and Finnick's parents come out of their bedroom.

"You guys were pretty good out there." Finnick's dad says and we smile.

"I wish they would leave you alone." Mrs. Odair says.

"Us too." Finnick and I say in sync and we laugh.

We sit down for dinner and talk with his parents. They wanted us to come over to hang out. I wish the interviewer didn't come, I hate how invasive they are on the victors privacy. They are obsessed with us because we're a couple, but they do this to other victors too. If victors are popular in the Capital they do bonus interviews on them too.

After dinner we help Finnick's parents with dishes and we head out.

"Bye Mr. and Mrs. Odair." I say.

"You can call us Nick and Lisa, Annie." Mr. Odair offers.

I smile and say, "Bye Nick and Lisa."

"Bye Annie." they both say.

They hug Finnick and I and we walk home, when I fall asleep I wake up again and Finnick is by my side before I can even ask him to stay with me.


Name of sequel: Trust Me

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