Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Annie Pov.

"Um, Mick, I, um." I start but he cuts me off.

"Annie, I know you don't like me back. It's okay. I wouldn't want to tear Finnick and you apart. But I do want to tell you that I am willing to die for you in here. I don't have a good enough reason to live." he tells me with tears starting to fill his eye.

"Mick, you've always been like a brother to me. I don't want you to-" he cuts me off again.

"Annie, I already made up my mind." he says in a soft voice.

I don't know how to deal with this. I'm so surprised, shocked, I can't even describe it. But it makes since. The comments like 'nice dress' and him holding my arm in the chariot. Those weren't acts of friendship, he has had a crush on me. I feel so guilty because I really don't have feelings other then friendship for him. I can't think of him in any other way, because I have Finnick. Finnick, what does he think of this right now? I wonder if he's like me and he doesn't get jealous, or if he does get jealous. No one other besides him ever took interest in me so I was never able to find out. How am I going to continue to be around Mick with this weight of guilt on my shoulders? I feel guilty because he is ready to give up his life for mine because he loves me, but I don't feel the same way. I've never felt so guilty before. They show the deaths in the sky. We killed three, but five others died. That means that sixteen are left. Eight died on the first day. I'm glad I only witnessed three and did one. I fall asleep in the tree, but slightly open my eyes when Mick puts his arm around me. How am I going to get through this?


I wake up and see that Mick is still asleep. I see a parachute in the branch above me. I awkwardly remove Mick's arm from under my back. It's so weird. I climb up to the branch and grab the parachute. I attempt to open it and it opens. I read the card that is put into it. 'Miss you, you're doing great. I know you're curious, and yea, I'm jealous. -Finn.' I smile. It's funny and cute to me that he's jealous. I look under the card to see what is in the parachute. I see four pieces of bread and some butter. I climb back to where Mick is. I feel so weird around him. I obviously feel guilty, but I also feel bad. Because I know I'm hurting him. He wakes up.

"Hi." he whispers.

"Hey." I whisper back. "Finnick sent us some bread."

"Us... or you?" he asks.

"Um..." I start.

"I know it was meant for you. He's probably not happy with me right now." Mick says sadly.

Another parachute comes floating down. Mick opens it, inside the parachute he finds nothing except a note that says, 'You got that right -Finnick' he shows it to me and I can't stop myself from laughing at Finnick's jealousy.

"That's a waste of your money Finnick!" Mick says. And I laugh more.

"Why is he so jealous?" I ask Mick.

"Because, you're, well, you're you." Mick says. "I think that he thinks you're perfect. I think you're perfect."

I don't know what to do. I also feel guilty because Finnick has to watch his best friend give his girlfriend compliments, and go around saying he likes her, and he can't do anything about it.

Mick can tell that I'm trying to find the right words to say. "It's okay Annie, you don't have to answer."

I nod my head. I hate this feeling. I'm so guilty. If I do say something nice back to Mick, I hurt Finnick, if I don't, I hurt Mick. Either way, I hurt someone.

I see someone walking. I don't know what to do. I quietly climb down the tree, I have three knives. I throw the first one and it hits his arm. I throw the next, and it buries itself in his heart, and kills him.

Win For Me (sequel to Driven By Love second book to the Finnick and Annie Series)Where stories live. Discover now