Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Annie Pov.

Finnick and I get ready for the victory tour. We go to the train station and our friends and Finnick's parents tell us goodbye. Mags gets on the train with us. We have to go to twelve first. District Twelve is get poor. I feel bad for the people there because I know what it's like to feel so helpless. They've had two victors the whole time that the games have existed. I wish I could use my money to help the other districts, but I know that the president wouldn't like that. What's wrong with that man anyway? What made him think that the games would be a good idea? I don't understand the way he thinks at all. When we get to twelve, the people are all unhappy. I walk up on the stage and one girl stands out to me. She has grey eyes, dark brown hair that's in a pretty side braid, she's avoiding looking my way. I bet she doesn't like the careers. I wish I could tell her that I'm not a career. I feel bad for her. She's thinner than I used to be. I look at her again and see the little girl by her side who has two braids instead of one, blonde hair, and blue eyes. She's skinnier than a toothpick. After I read the meaningless notecards, I go back on the train. I tell Finnick about the girls I saw, and how sickly skinny they look.

"There's nothing that we can do to help them Annie." he says sadly.

"I know, it's just sad to me." I tell him.

We go to the next district, and the district after that. We finally go to the Capital for the boring party where everyone just throws up because they drink the disgusting blue liquid. I just stay with Finnick and we slow dance but I ignore all the annoying Capital people. They disgust me. In six we were grateful for food, in the Capital, they make themselves throw up so that they can eat more of it. We get back on the train to go home finally. I don't think I could have gotten through this trip alone. If I didn't have Finnick, I would lose the last little bit of sanity that I have left. We get on the train and we start going back to four. Without delays we will be there by tomorrow afternoon. I feel like I'm getting used to the flash backs and all the other things I do. I knew I would adjust to it but it's never going to be easy. Moments of the games play in my head, Mick's head being chopped off, me throwing knives into peoples stomachs. I wish the memories would stop coming back to me but there's nothing I can do. But I know that no matter what, Finnick can stop them.

Win For Me (sequel to Driven By Love second book to the Finnick and Annie Series)Where stories live. Discover now