Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Finnick Pov (Morning of the games)

I wake up and shake Annie awake.

"Hi." she says with a sad smile.

"Hey." I whisper. "You ready?"

"I guess." she whispers back.

I walk with her to breakfast, they are serving the same thing that they served the morning before the games. Pancakes with eggs and bacon. I get a little bit of everything, and Annie eats a ton of food. I've never seen her eat so much, she's so petite.

"Someone's hungry." I joke with her.

"I'm trying to fill myself in case I don't have food right away." she says seriously.

"I know, I did that last year too." I laugh a little.

"Annie, after breakfast we're putting you on the hovercraft." Pearl tells her.

She nods her head and doesn't look at Pearl. She whispers in my ear, "I'm going to eat a very slow breakfast."

I smile and she smiles back. She wasn't kidding, she takes forever to eat breakfast. I'm trying to hold back laughing.

"Annie, you've almost ate everything in the whole buffet. I think you're ready to go now." Pearl tells her. Annie doesn't say anything and I look away because I'm about to start laughing. "Young lady, have I taught you no manners?" Pearl asks.

"Pearl, I'll be ready in a couple of minutes." Annie tells her harshly.

Pearl doesn't say anything. I wonder if she feels guilty, if she does feel guilty, good. She should feel guilty because she might understand that it's hard to ever be ready to fight to the death against twenty three other people. But then again I highly doubt she understands the feeling that all the tributes have.

Annie goes in her room and mouths 'come here' to me. I follow her in her room. She throws her arms around my neck. "I'm gonna say something, you're going to want to cut me off mid sentence, so please don't." She says while still hugging me.

"Okay..." I say.

"If I don't make it," I already want to cut her off but I don't because she asked me not to. "I just want to tell you that, you mean more than the world to me. That you're my best friend, my first and only love, that I don't want to lose you ever. Finnick, I love you." I feel her tears down my back and I start crying silently.

"I love you too Annie. You're my everything." I whisper as the tears flood my eyes. It has finally hit me that she could be taken away from me.

We sit there and there's a knock on the door but we pretend like we don't hear it. Pearl comes barging in. "Its time to go! We are completely off schedule!"

"Pearl! Give me a minute!" Annie says pulling away and looking at Pearl angrily. Pearl made Annie freak out.

"You have no manners or respect for the Capital if you're late!" Pearl yells back at her.

Annie looks like she's going to yell again and I cover her mouth with my hand and I feel her trying to talk through it. "Pearl we'll be out in two minutes, okay?" I try to negotiate.

"Fine! But that's it!" she yells again. Pearl storms out of the room.

"I can't stand that lady." Annie whispers. I laugh.

"I don't know how I'm going to deal with you being in there." I tell her.

She kisses me and I kiss her back. It doesn't seem like a long time but someone's knocking on the door. Pearl.

"I guess you have to go." I tell her.

She starts crying and I wipe her tears. I hold her hand and walk her out of the room. Pearl starts walking with her towards the elevator. I give her one last hug and kiss. "I love you." I remind her.

"I love you too." she says with tears coming down her face again. I wipe them away and she goes in the elevator with Pearl. When I know she's gone and she can't hear me, I drop to the floor and begin to cry.

Win For Me (sequel to Driven By Love second book to the Finnick and Annie Series)Where stories live. Discover now