Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Annie Pov.

I run like I've never run before. Mick is three people down and I'm gonna try to grab a sword for him. I grab a backpack and start stuffing it with knives as fast as I can. The girl from one that hates my guts, throws a spear at me but I use my bag to block it. Mick is also good with spears. I grab one more backpack, and Mick's spear and I run for the woods. I try to get Mick's attention. He see's me and starts running in my direction. I try to figure out where to go. He sees me but I try to keep going. I find a tree and I try to climb it. I fall the first time, but I try again and I make it to the top. I see Mick at the bottom.

"Mick! Up here!" I look down and tell him. He starts to slowly climb the tree. He makes it up to the top.

"Did you get anything?" He asks hopefully.

"Yup. I got us our own backpacks and I got you a spear." I tell him.

"You got more than I thought." he says happily.

We look in the backpacks. One of them has dried fruit, a container with water, and matches. The other has a sleeping bag, a rope, and a small knife. I also have seven knives plus this one which makes eight. We see someone walking by our tree. Mick without hesitation throws his spear and it hits him perfectly in the head. I scream.

"Annie, calm down." he whispers.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I apologize. I'm freaking out too much. The games are all about killing. I shouldn't freak out so bad, it needs to happen if I'm going to get home to Finnick.

"It's okay, just calm down. I'm going to go grab that spear." he tells me as he starts climbing down the tree.

I nod my head and stay in the tree, trying to keep myself from continuing to panic. It's so different, watching someone being murdered right before your eyes then it is watching it on a television screen. Mick starts to climb up the tree. I see a girl running towards him. I can't tell if she has a weapon.

"Mick! Behind you!" I yell.

He sticks the spear into her and I close my eyes and scream again.

"Annie! Just calm down!" Mick yells. "It's okay!"

I pinch my arm to try to relax me. I take deep breaths and try to relax. I feel better, but I just saw two horrible deaths in less than five minutes. I need Finnick right now! I think to myself. Mick gets up to the tree.

"Annie, it's okay. If you want to get home, we're going to have to kill people." Mick tells me as he pats me softly on the back.

"I'm sorry, I just don't do well with these kinds of things. It was really hard to watch." I explain.

"I know. But you're going to be okay." he tells me.

"Mick," I whisper. "See that down there. I think that could be dinner."

I climb down the tree with a knife in hand. It wasn't an animal standing there, it was a person. I take the knife and throw it. It hits the girl in the gut. She falls to the ground. I killed someone. I start to fall back but Mick is behind me and he catches me. I stare at the girl who I killed. She's the girl from one who was flirting with Finnick. Oh well. I don't feel guilty for killing her, I just feel guilty for killing a person. And I'm beyond grossed out right now.

"Why don't you climb the tree while I get the knife out of her." Mick offers.

I nod my head and climb quickly with ease. I get to the top and I get out the five pieces of dried fruit to eat. Mick gets back up with my knife, it's dripping in blood.

I look away from it.

"Oh sorry!" Mick apologizes. He cleans it and gives it to me.

"It's okay, sorry I'm so easily grossed out." I apologize.

"I get it, you just aren't good with blood. I'm not a fan of it either but I put up with it." Mick says.

It's weird how when I think about it more and more, Mick doesn't seem like he wants or cares if he goes home or not. It's just a feeling of mine. I want to know why, but I don't know how to ask him. I think of how to ask for a few minutes, and then I decide to say something.

"Hey Mick." I say.

"Yea Annie?" he responds looking my way.

"I could be totally off, but you've been acting like you don't want to win, it's just a feeling I've been having." I explain.

"You're kind of right, I have a couple reasons why I don't feel like it matters if I win or not." he tells me.

"Like what?" I ask curiously.

"Well, I have an older brother who is... Better than me, and my parents didn't even seem that upset when I got picked. If my brother got picked, they would be devastated." he tells me honestly.

"Mick, I know your parents love you though, and I think you know that too." I say. I feel bad that he feels like his parents like his brother more than him. "What's another reason?" I ask.

"Well... I... Um... I." he stutters.

"You, what?" I ask, pushing him to an answer. "You can tell me, just spit it out."

"I like you, Annie."

Win For Me (sequel to Driven By Love second book to the Finnick and Annie Series)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ