Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Finnick Pov.

I'm sitting an watching TV with Mags, all of the sudden, four peacekeepers come in and take Annie's father and start banging him up against the wall.

"What are you doing?" I yell.

"He's an avox and he's not supposed to interact with the tributes or the people he serves." The peacekeeper exclaims.

"Let him go!" I yell.

"His punishment is death!" The other peacekeeper yells.

I know how this is going to hurt Annie, but before they can keep beating him up ,I jump on the peacekeeper and try to stop him from continuing to kill Annie's dad. The other peacekeeper punches me in the face and it causes a cut but I keep fighting. I try to stop them but I see Annie's dad just fall to the ground, completely lifeless. Annie and Mick get to the door. I can't let Annie see her dad like this. I block the doorway.

"Finnick, can you move please?" She asks politely.

"Annie please don't come in right now." I'm trying to keep her from coming in, but she's so noisy she's going to want to know why. I have to make sure she doesn't come in here.

"Why? Finnick please let me in please." She says clearly confused on why I'm not letting her in. She gives up on asking and tries to fight me to get in. I'm stronger than her so she can't do much to stop me from blocking her out.

"Annie don't come in!" I yell at her.

She crawls under me and sees her dad. She stands there in shock, she starts crying. She runs to his side.

"Daddy? Dad? Dad?!" She keeps yelling.

"Move it girl." The peacekeeper says sternly.

Annie keeps shaking her dad as if she's trying to wake him up. The peacekeeper is about to grab her but I pick her up as she fights me to put her down with her dad. I walk her into her room and lay her on the bed as she screams and cries her dad's name. She cries knowing that he's gone. She lays on the bed, she doesn't move or speak she just cries.

"Come here Annie." I finally say. She crawls over to me and I hold her in my arms.

Pearl comes in to tell us it's time for dinner but I tell her that Annie and I might not be able to make it tonight. She makes a fuss but eventually leaves us alone.

"This is all my fault." Annie mumbles.

"No it's not." I tell her softly. "None of this is your fault."

"Yea it is. They're all avoxes because of me. My dad's dead because he came to see me." She argues.

"It's my fault that you're here." I whisper.

"How is it your fault?" She asks, not understanding what I'm saying.

"Snow doesn't want me to have a girlfriend. He wants me to be single for all the girls in the Capital. So he probably rigged the reaping bowls to say your name." I explain.

"Or he wanted me here because I left my district for no reason." She continues to argue.

"It's not your fault Annie." I keep saying.

"Yea it is. It's my fault that I left, that I let you take care of me and now they're sending me in the arena because of me. It's my fault." She keeps repeating.

I stop fighting with her and she eventually falls asleep. I go to get up so I move her onto the pillow. She opens her eyes.

"Stay with me." she whispers.

I nod my head. "Always."

Win For Me (sequel to Driven By Love second book to the Finnick and Annie Series)Where stories live. Discover now