Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Annie Pov.

Finnick and I go to Sarah and Jerry's houses. We go to the beach together and bring a picnic. We set it all up and eat.

"So how have you guys been?" Finnick asks them.

"I've been better." Jerry says sadly.

"He's having a hard time with what happened to Mick." Sarah tells us.

I feel a flash back creeping up on me.

"I'm gonna go over there for a minute." I tell them but I know that Finnick knows what I'm doing.

I walk into the jungle with my hands covering my ears. I don't know if I'm screaming or not but Finnick is behind me.

"Annie it's okay." he whispers.

I slowly stop but when I walk back to Sarah and Jerry, Jerry gives me an odd look. I can't read what it means but I don't think it's a good look.

Finnick notices what Jerry is doing and goes to my defense right away. "Jerry what's your problem?"

"Nothing, nothing." Jerry excuses his defense. A look of anger appears on Finnick's face. He hasn't looked like this since his days in the arena.

"Why were you staring at Annie like that?" he asks with anger flooding his normally happy voice.

"Finn, don't." I whisper trying to calm him down, even though I have a feeling that it won't do any good, he's already too angry.

He ignores me.

"Well, answer me Jerry!" he raises his voice more than he already has.

"I just, I..." Jerry stutters but Finnick cuts him off.

"You what?!" Finnick continues to yell.

Jerry ignores him. I think Jerry is afraid of offending me, and I don't want Finnick to hurt him again because of me.

"Jerry, you can tell him. I won't get my feelings hurt." I tell him.

He asks Finnick to walk with him and they go into the jungle.


Finnick Pov.

"Finnick, your girlfriend is crazy." Jerry says honestly.

I can't hold back, I feel all my anger rush towards me. I'm mad because he said something like that about Annie and that he doesn't realize that she didn't choose to be like that, the Capital did it to her.

Jerry notices me starting to get tense. He must want me to punch him again.

"Finnick, are you okay?" he asks nervously.

I punch him, this time he fights back. He swings at me but I dodge it. I kick him in his side and he falls to the ground. I learned that in training. I get on top of him and pull my fist back to hit him again. He winces and blocks his face with his hand. Annie and Sarah come running through the trees.

"Finnick get off of him!" Sarah yells.

Sarah didn't care when I beat him the first time. Why does she care now?

Annie runs towards me, and grabs my hand, covered in Jerry's blood. She tries to ignore the blood and pulls me to my feet.

I don't feel bad for beating Jerry up, he deserved it. I'm tired of Jerry.

"Are you okay?" Sarah asks.

"Yea, I'm okay." Jerry says as she hugs him.

"Finnick why would you do this to him?" Sarah asks.

"Because, he shouldn't have done to Annie what he did. He was acting like a complete jerk!" I yell. "Why do you care any way Sarah? I thought Annie was your best friend. Aren't you mad that he was making fun of her?"

"Finnick, Jerry is my boyfriend." Sarah tells me.

Win For Me (sequel to Driven By Love second book to the Finnick and Annie Series)Where stories live. Discover now