Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Annie Pov.

Finnick has to go talk to his parents about something and of course I'm noisy and I want to know why. But I don't ask. I hear Finnick on the phone down stairs. Sarah shows up about three minutes later and walks upstairs.

"Hi Annie." she says in a soft voice like she's talking to a baby.

"Hi Sarah." I say, "You don't have to talk to me like that." I laugh.

"Are you okay though?" Sarah asks.

"Yea I'm fine I just have the occasional flash backs and little quirks but I'm okay I swear." I tell her.

She nods her head.

"So did Finnick make you babysit me?" I ask and she and I laugh.

"He's just worried about you because he loves you." she tells me.

"I know but I'm okay to be by myself to." I say confidently even though if I had a flash back by myself there would be no one there to calm me down.

"Annie it's still safer to have someone with you just in case." she says.

"I know, I know." I'm glad she's here though because I blink and I close my eyes for a minute.

"Annie you okay?" Sarah asks concerned.

I start screaming.

"Annie calm down." Sarah coos and she rubs my back. "Annie you're okay, you're in four."

I'm still screaming I can't stop. I hear the door open.

"Annie, calm down, Annie." I hear Finnick's voice.

He pulls me in his arms and I slowly stop screaming.

"It's okay Annie, you're with me." he whispers.

I open my eyes and look up at him. He looks at me.

"I'm sorry Finnick," Sarah apologizes. "I think the only one that can calm her down is you."

"Sorry Sarah." I apologize to her.

"It's fine Annie." she tells me. "I'm gonna go, I told Jerry I would hang out with him today, he's had a hard time with with things ever since Mick died."

"Okay, thanks for coming over Sarah." Finnick thanks her.

"You're welcome." she says and walks out of the bedroom.

"I think I'll just stay home who you from now on." Finnick says with a smile.

I roll my eyes.

"Want to go to the beach?" he asks.

I nod my head, "Sure."

"Okay, let's go pack the stuff."

We pack the usual, food, bathing-suites, and blanket. We go to the beach and I don't have any flash backs, I don't cover my ears, or laugh at the wrong time. Right now, everything feels normal, because I'm with him.

Win For Me (sequel to Driven By Love second book to the Finnick and Annie Series)Where stories live. Discover now