Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Finnick Pov.

When Annie and I get back from the beach, we just hang out at our house. On the way back, I bought some rope and beads so we make bracelets for each other. They were really easy to make because we know how to tie knots. We also make one for Mags and my parents. I'm glad the doctor wrote a note excusing Annie from the interview where they play the games. She wouldn't have been able to handle it. They still played the games but they didn't interview her. She has to do the victory tour though. I'll be with her, so she'll be fine. The bracelet that Annie made me is sea green and ocean blue. Ocean blue is her favorite and sea green is mine. I make her's like this to. We tie them on each other's hands. Annie goes up to bed. I hear her screams of pure terror. I walk in the room.

"Want me to stay with you?" I ask.

She nods her head. I hold her protectively in my arms. I wish I would never have to let go.

Win For Me (sequel to Driven By Love second book to the Finnick and Annie Series)Where stories live. Discover now