Chapter Six

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(Author's note: I shall be doing two P.O.Vs in chapter. I also don't own Breezepelt. I find him and xavier to be somewhat the same in the family parts. Comment, Rate, Vote, and Feedback~Fallen)

(Xavier's P.O.V)

Xavier stalked the cold grounds, his eyes were locked on the ground. 'I hate Snow! Why can't I get love from mom and dad?' Xavier thought to himself, a warm breeze came, "Hello there," A deep voice coming behind him. "I'm Breezepelt, I know what your going though to have a family who hates you. But I can help you." Xavier looked at the black tom with ginger eyes. "How?" Xavier asked looking at the tom. "How what?" Breezepelt asked. "How could you help me?" Xavier said with a sigh. "Let's make a deal." Breezepelt purred.

One moon later

(Sanity's P.O.V)

"It's been four moons, we killed Claw and Clover. And we have to kill Ice, Dusk and their kits!" Sanity yowled all but one didn't yowl in hppiness. That one was Burn. The tom had lost his voice when he was yelling at the group. "I think I sent them!" Skull called to Sanity. Sanity looked up to see the black and skull pelt tom. "Alright, we're coming!" Sanity called to Skull.  Sanity flicked his tail to the group of cats to come and follow the two toms. "Alright, Skull, lead the way."  Sanity ordered the tom. His red eyes blazing. Skull nodded and led. Soon the group cats came to a small camp, Sanity recognize the dark muddly brown tom with black paws, chest and tail and bright green eyes. It was Dusk. Sanity saw a tabby she-cat with a pure white kit. Sanity smirked. "Okay, heres the plan," Sanity said in a low whispered to the group. "We kill the she-cat and take her kit then kill Dusk tomorrow while he is in pain of the death of that she-cat and kit." Sanity said and cats nodded. The group of cats grathered below and moved closer slowly to the family. "Snow and Ice! I have some fresh-kill for you girls." Dusk mewed. Sanity watched the she-kit pounced on a dead mouse while the white and black tabby she-cat ate on a sporrow bird. "DeathClan! Attack!" Sanity yowles. Snow screamed and ran as Sanity and Burn chased after her, Dusk tried to protect Ice from the other cats but they both ended up dying from cuts and wounds. "Come here She-kit!" Sanity called to the white she-kit. "No! Your evil!" The kit called back as she ran faster. Finally Burn jumped high and turned to face the she-kit. "You shouldn't have ran little one. You can't go up against DeathClan warriors!" Sanity snaled at the kit as she shaked in fear. "I rather die then to go with you two cats!" The kit snal right back. "I like this kit. She has guts." Sanity mewed. Burn nodded in agreement then picked up the growling kit. "What's your name little kit?" Sanity asked. The kit turned her head and ignored him. "Your a fool ya know" Sanity added then it fell in silent. A black and brown kit was back with the others, "Sanity. This Xavier, he didn't put up a fight, he said he wanted to join us." Skull said. "Haha. Alright Skull," Sanity mewed to Skull. The kit looked over at the other kit in terror of him. 'Siblings I see?' Sanity thought to himself.

SnowStar's Wish(A Warrior cats FanFiction)(On hold and might remake!)Where stories live. Discover now