Chapter fourteen

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(Author's Note: Whats this all updates in one night?! Yeah I'm at my Grandma's house and I'm relaxed and I'll keep updating!~Fallen)

(Black's POV)

Black walked along with a snowy white she-cat "Snow, we should rest, it's starting to get dark, and it looks like a storm is coming," Black whispered into the Snow's ear, the snowy white she-cat nodded and they looked for a good tree to sleep under. "I'll be right back," Black meowed then walked off to hunt. The sound of thunder cracked though the dark sky making Snow jump, "Black?!" She yowled to the tom who was gone. 'Oh no! I hate these type of storms!' Snow thought to herself as she start to whimper, lightning came for the dark sky and hit the tree Snow was under,  Snow yelped "Black! Someone! Help me!" Snow screamed she saw black pelt of Black, who stood in front of Snow with fire wall in front of them, Black had the shock look on his face "Black! Help me! Please!" Snow inhaled the black smoke around her filling her lungs,"Black!" Snow cried but Black turned and ran off whimpering "Black..." Snow whispered and fell to her side breathing so slowly until a black tuft of fur appeared staring at her,

(Author's note: A other cliffhanger, AND this was actually planned and rewritten more then once, BUT to those who love SxB hang in there! Don't kill me yet, Comment, Vote, Feedback~Fallen)

SnowStar's Wish(A Warrior cats FanFiction)(On hold and might remake!)Where stories live. Discover now