Chapter twenty-four

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(Author's note: I promise to finish the book, but right after I do, I'm going to start working on my own animation-story 'Simon's Promise'. If you want to be in it or be voice actor PM me and I'll give you my email and the listen of characters. Bit enough on that Enjoy the book!)

(Grayfur's POV)

"Ragepaw!" Grayfur yowled to the apprentice, his claws were unshelted and his fur was standing up to show his own anger. "How dare you lie to the New order!" Grayfur ran towards the small apprentice. but a brown-pelted she-cat with deep green eyes. "Grayfur stay away  from this apprentice!" The she-cat snarled. "Oh my sweet sweet Featherheart. I'll do whatever I please. Even if I kill you,"  He spoke in a deep cold snarl. "No you won't!" Rage law said and both of the she-cats flung themselves at the tom caughting him off guard. With one head to the stomach and pinning him down. "You will die for this!" Grayfur struggle to get free. "We don't but you do Grayfur. You killed my father!" She hissed at him "And he's not the only one who I killed." He said in a whisper. "Jetstar is going to die next," He added as seedvine came to Grayfur's side. "Ragepaw! How could you?!" Seedvine snarled at her. "I can't be in the new order!" She whimpered but Seedvine flung himself at her and pinning her down, the rest of the followers came to Grayfur and Seedvine, the two she-cats were easy beaten. "You won't get away with this Grayfur!" Featherheart hissed at him. "Oh will you shut up you useless she-cat!" He snapped at her and raked his claws down on her belly. She yowled in pain as she began to lose so much blood. blood boiled in her mouth. She slowly died in pain. Her eyes kept open to see them kill Ragepaw with one bite on the throat. 'I'm sorry my Clan, I'm sorry StarClan...' Featherheart thought as she took one last breathe and died.

(Sorry if it's short;3; And don't hate me on this later but you'll see Featherheart again! I promise!!!)

SnowStar's Wish(A Warrior cats FanFiction)(On hold and might remake!)Where stories live. Discover now