Chapter eight

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(Author's Note: A other Double P.O.Vs:D Enjoy~Fallen)

(Sanity's P.O.V)

Sanity walked along with Snow, she tried to kept a long distance away from Sanity. "Snow?" Sanity stopped. "What Sanity?" Snow kept walking really not caring about what he had to ask or say to her. "Could you stop?" Sanity began to runcand caught up to her. "Why should I?" Snow shot back with hatred in her voice the stopped and Sanity stopped at her flank. "Sanity if you can't see I don't like you! I never will! I can't forgive what you done to me, my brother might stupid enough to trust you but I won't! I love Black! And... And I'm leavimg DeathClan, I have nothing to do with you or the others Black can stay or go with me." Snow snapped at him, Sanity had pain in his deep red eyes that was once a blazing flames of fire hatred. "I'm sorry Snow, but I-" Sanity tried to apologize for his actions but Snow stopped when she place her tail over his muzzle. "You had the choice, I have nothing to do with you, Sanity. I will never be friends with or love you. You hurt me, even after I became a Trainee. I'm sorry but goodbye." Snow growled and ran off with tears rolling down her cheeks. Sanity's sank heart, "I'm sorry Snow, I am truly sorry." Sanity whispered to himself. And got up and stalked back towards the Camp. "Sanity? Where did you go? What happen to that  she-cat Snow?" Sun questioned Sanity with vemon in her voice. "Snow left DeathClan." Sanity sais holding back tears in his eyes. "Why didn't you go and kill her?!" Sun hissed. "She's not worth it Sun!" Sanity cried. "And who did she say who could join her?" Sun asked. "Black." Black's eyes widen. "I will join Snow!" Black yowled and raced out of the Camp to look for Snow. "I will let them go for now. But Sanity remember I will kill Snow and Black." Sun whispered to the black tom and padded off.

(Black's P.O.V)

Black's heart pounded against his chest 'Will I ever find Snow? Or will she be gone forever like my father and Mother Night and Blood?' Black thought to himself until he tasted the air picked up Snow's sweet scent. Black ran and the scent as it got stronger and stronger. "Snow!" Black yowled as he got closer to the snowy-white she-cat turned her head her icy blue eyes were mixed with red from crying. "Snow, what's wrong?" Black wrapped his tail around her and let the she-cat nuzzle into his chest. "Black, can we leave and go to the Mountains and never come back?" Snow asked softly. "Yes, Snow we can go to the Mountains never come back." Black let out a soft purr to comfort her. "Thanks Black..." Snow mewed softly and curl into a ball with Black curling around her in the Shade. "No problem Snow," Black purred.

SnowStar's Wish(A Warrior cats FanFiction)(On hold and might remake!)Where stories live. Discover now