Setting out

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-OOOOOO!!!" I screamed.

I barely noticed my frustrated shout scare the Gnome off. Not like it mattered, though, since I was transported into a world where pretty much anything bigger than me - which was 90% of every living thing - wanted to kill, molest, eat, or otherwise end me. 

Why!? What the hell happened!? Wait a minute...



"If you had the chance to... influence the timeline of this game, would you?"

"...Yes, I suppose I would."

"Well, then... good luck."

Flashback end...


...I just had to talk smack, didn't I?

Getting up and groaning in utter frustration, I pretty much figured that I was in the room where the game first starts out; the light from the ceiling, wooden planks against the wall and especially the giant suitcase stood out pretty well, along with the faint light down the hallway-- wait, bright light?

I quickly hurried over into the entry of the hallway and noticed a familiar-looking figure in a raincoat light up a small lamp before ducking into a vent with her lighter.

"H-Hey, wait--!"

However, the figure - who I knew to be Six judging by her lighter and raincoat - vanished into the vent and leaving the hallway in darkness save for the lamp at the end. Shit. She didn't even notice me, and now I have to traverse that darkness all by my lonesome.

"Oh, crap... Huh?"

As I fumbled around, I felt something in my pocket. Taking it out, I was overjoyed to find that I still had my cell phone, which seemed bigger in my shrunken, preteen boy hands. Turning it on, I was even happier to find that it was at full battery and brightly lit up everything within ten feet of me.

"YES! Phew, I lucked out there", I mumbled to myself, as I didn't like the darkness very much. Well, it's not the darkness itself I fear - it's what's inside the dark I have to worry about, especially in this world. I was about to step into the hallway to catch up to Six when I heard a sound behind me.



I turned around to spot the same Gnome who had greeted me when I arrived to be standing there, staring curiously at the brightly lit screen of my phone. However, I had just realized that unlike the other Gnomes in the game, this one had a small red bell on its cone hat, which had just caused the jingling sound. Remembering their somewhat fearful nature, I approached it carefully.

"Hey there, little guy. Wanna come with me and get outta this place?"

The Gnome tilted its head to the right for a bit before nodding quickly, causing its bell to jingle several times, albiet rather quietly so that you had to be near it to properly hear it.

"Heh-heh. Alrighty then, come on, little buddy!"

Hesitant at first, the litle Gnome then waddled over to my side and into the light of my phone as we headed into the hallway where Six had just left. Turning to my new companion, I decided to try to break the silence.

"Sooooo... you got a name?"

While walking, the Gnome tilted its head before shaking its head.

"Okay then... how about I call you............. *Lucecito?"

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